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Monday, December 24, 2001

Hello all. I am so bored, I figured I'd post, because I am stupid. Mmmmhmmm.

This Christmas doesn't really feel like Christmas to me. I mean, normally on Christmas Eve I am way excited and stuff...but for some reason this year, I'm not. I sorta am...just not the way I normally am. I miss how Christmas used to be for my family...when I was younger. I would go to bed at like, midnight, cuz that's all my poor little body could handle. I couldn't stay up any later because I was a lil puss. And I would get up @ like, 3-4 am and drag my parents out of bed and make them open presents, then I would stay up for the rest of the day playing with my cool toys and everything. Now my mom thinks she can fucking buy me all of these ghetto clothes from Wal-Mart. Eww.