Saturday, October 22, 2011
Angst - Bare Breasted Walk for Women's Rights [Video]
Performance contained 161 km long walk from South Estonia, Tartu town where I live to Karepa village in North Estonia by the sea. When weather allowed, I was bare breasted. The walk took 5 days. I arrived on 12th of Aug and presented my final act on Performance Evening “Angst” on 13th of Aug at Karepa, R. Sagrits’ house-museum.
I monitored people’s reaction on my way. Since bare breasted women are rare, I wanted to know how people react if they see one in public space. Everybody were calm until we spent longer time in a small town Väike-Maarja, where the TV news filmed me in front of the Municipality Government building. Governor saw me from his window and called police. I spent two hours in police station, explaining why I was walking bare breasted. Since there is no law against bare breasted men or women in public space, police is still pondering upon my case, thinking how to punish me.
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Art and Culture,
Public Nudity,