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Monday, December 19, 2011

The Nudist Dances [Poetry]

She is a nudist
An exhibitionist in her community
A statue of her own making

She believes in the goddess of earth and nature
A free spirited human
Content with her existence
A nudist that dances salsa, merengue, and tangos without clothing

The movements excite her
The moments tantalize her and put her mind in an exotic hedonism

Some will like her
Others will dislike her
Many are anxious to sunbathe with her

She is a nudist in her community, where this is somewhat accepted.

In the midst of promoting her nudity she forgets that her own son is disgusted with her.

She is a nudist
One that is content with her
One the world is not content with

A nudist in her skin
A nudist in her own right
A nudist who is comfortable with her body

She pleases herself first
She is a nudist
One who is a happy-go-lucky.

By Andrea R M Fletcher, 2003