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Thursday, October 4, 2001

The best day of my life. Yes, that is easy. It was with YOU, honeypoo! Hahaha, ok yes, laugh at Mindy because she is supreme dorkus. ::bows::

Worst day. Oh shit. Yeah, that is a hard question. I guess I can't remember EXACTLY what I was feeling but I think it was the day I found out my mom had breast cancer. I was at my Aunt's and I remember they called and told us and I couldn't even finish my friggin' homework. I couldn't think. I was in like 6th grade but I remember thinking anything with the word "cancer" in it is automatically bad. :*(

I've had a lot of shit come close though. I wish I had more good than bad. I could lock myself in my room and block out the world and I would be "neutral," I guess. And then I wouldn't have to worry about shitty days where killing someone would be a great solution. But then again, I would be bored. And lonely. And sad times. ::sniffs::