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Friday, December 2, 2011

Ukrainian Women's Rights Activists Stage Topless Protest Against Uefa [FEMEN]

Ukrainian women's rights activists have staged a [topfree] demonstration at Kiev's Olympic Stadium to protest what they say are attempts to legalise prostitution during the 2012 European Championship.

Five members of the Femen group chanted slogans and displayed banners criticising the tournament organiser, European football's governing body, Uefa.

A Femen spokeswoman, Inna Shevchenko, said Uefa was "trying to influence our government" to legalise prostitution during the tournament, which will take place in June and July next summer. Uefa will hold the draw for the finals in Kiev on Friday.

Kiev police arrived at the gates of the downtown stadium five minutes later and the women were dragged into a police vehicle and driven away.

Click here to see pictures from the demonstration.

FEMEN - Main Website