This article is from Marie Claire:
It took one woman being naked in public to make her appreciate her own body. By Fernanda Moore
"What if, in a landscape filled with brand-new bodies, we looked at each other and decided to broaden our horizons?"
My foray into public nudity didn't begin well. For years, I had wanted to visit the hot tubs at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Perched on a cliff overlooking the Pacific, they're the world's most gorgeously situated baths. But there, after flying cross-country to see them, I stood clutching my towel in the unisex changing room, staring miserably at my feet. Suddenly, the 3,000 miles I'd traveled felt like nothing compared with the 20 feet I was about to walk — stark naked — to the baths.
Finally, peer pressure overcame prudery, and I joined the masses in the "clothing optional" tubs. I slid in gingerly, mumbling polite hellos, and leaned back with my eyes closed. The water, sun, and waves crashing below began to ease my anxiety. Soon, I was totally content.
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