It was a party like no other party we have ever had. It was a NUDE Years party. The first of it's kind in Thailand, not counting Pattaya or Chan Resort.
First it looked like any other party a few members coming, but it quickly turned in to a rousing success. We had nice different countries represented and it was all couples with one exception 1 single male. There were American, Russian, Thai, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, British, Hong Kong and Indian. Any body that says Thai's don't get naked, surely didn't count the 5 Thai wives that were at our party. They were such natural naturists, you wouldn't know they had not been in a social naturist setting before.
There was a Russian couple that didn't have anywhere else to go, they had checked all other resorts near by and found them full. Their friends that had checked in to a nearby resort couldn't even get them a room. When they checked with Chan Resort they found we had room. They were even naturists, having been on naturist picnics in Russia. Once they found out what we had planned for the Nude Years Party they asked if they could invite another couple that was their friends. We counted up to see how much food we had, and said sure they can come. So our total group of naturists grew to top out at twenty people from an varied international background.
After dinner we all brought out our Android tablets for translation purposes. It was great fun. (I thought I was going to have Android and Google withdrawal over the we were using Google Translate on our tablets and everything worked perfectly.
Gregers got the whole group doing toasts in their native language and even got all of them up to do a line dance call they Hokey Pokey. You never saw so many naked people having such a great time.
As we approached midnight, we took the Champagne and went up to the roof where we could see the fireworks. The view is from Naklua in the north to way south of Jomtiem Beach. The fireworks started and we were spinning around try to see all of them. They were absolutely fabulous. Then we popped the Champagne and all had a toast to the Nude Years. It was without a doubt the best new years party I have been to in decades.
Anybody that missed this party surely missed one grand event.
This clothing optional event was sponsored by
Chan Resort in Pattaya a naturist friendly resort
This article was submitted to iNAKED by B. Kendall. If you like to articles of your own, please click here for details.