Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sandra G. nude in Barcelona
Spanish model Sandra G. walks through the city of Barcelona nude. In Barcelona public nudity is regarded as a recognised right, although there have been successful prosecutions for public nudity even there. Associations Addan, the organisation defending the right to nudity, Aleteia and Barcelona Council have published the "Tríptic de Barcelona" that express this and clothes free rights.
Body Art,
Public Nudity,
Saturday, September 24, 2011
FEMEN in Action [The News In Pictures]

Feminist political activism organisation in the Ukraine, FEMEN stages street protests against everything from sex tourism to Silvio Berlusconi. These protests are almost always topfree. Here are just a few pictures of them in action.
Click here to find out more about FEMEN.
News In Pictures,
Topfreedom [Reblog]
If you’re not a naturist, or already involved in what naturists call the “topfree” movement, you might not be familiar with the term. You’re probably more familiar with the mundane term: “topless.” Why the different word? Naturists like the idea of being “free” of something that doesn’t belong, rather than having “less” on than is acceptable. Plus, when you say “topless”, a lot of people think of strip clubs. So we use “topfree” to put a more positive spin on the idea...
TEXT: Nude, Renewed
TEXT: Nude, Renewed
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Amanda
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation.
Nude Experiences,
Friday, September 23, 2011
San Francisco’s ‘buff stop’ controversy [News]
The debate over San Franciscans' right to show their privates in public has been, ahem, well-covered as of late. Supervisor Scott Wiener's proposal this month to require patrons to wear clothes in restaurants and to place a covering on a public seat if you're using it while nude has inspired plenty of puns and "only in San Francisco" eye rolls, but many people take their right to bare all seriously.
A "nude-in" is planned for noon Saturday at Castro Commons Plaza, better known as the "Buff Stop." Although the event was scheduled before Wiener introduced his proposal, the event could draw more participants thanks to the supervisor's stance, CBS SF reports.
TEXT: Yahoo! News
TheGreatNude presents Sketch Sessions at the Javitz Center [Art]
Visitors to the Javitz Center's CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR NYC were welcome to join TheGreatNude for a Sketch Session featuring local New York City Life Models. A number of participating Artists were sketching throughout the weekend, as 4 seperate models offered a full weekend of 20-30 minute poses. Publisher Jeffrey Wiener also provided an iPad Drawing Demonstration.
Art and Culture,
Get a FREE one month subscription to
Our friends at is offering are followers on and beyond a chance to subscribe to their website for FREE for one whole month!
In 2001, was conceived as a hybrid Web-Video Magazine focused on the figurative arts and life drawing, with articles and videos that featured artists who were dedicated to using the nude in their art.Officially launched in 2007 to only a handful of followers, has grown into a respected, paid-subscription publication with thousands of subscribers who's demographics include artists, collectors, gallerists, and the fans of uncensored artworks that seriously and maturely deal with the nude.
In addition to presenting artist interviews and exhibition reviews of some of the most exciting and provocative nudes being created today, presents the tutorial series Sketch Sessions – a celebration of the traditions of Life Drawing, with nude models posing for artist publisher Jeff Wiener and his guest artists.
In 2010, hosted TheGreatNude Invitational, an international art exhibition in New York City featuring 27 figurative artists including Odd Nerdrum, Sherry Camhy, Barnett Suskind, Walter Robinson, Meredith Bergmann, and many others, whose works all featured the bold and provocative use of the Nude. Our Panel Discussion on The Nude in Contemporary Art included renowned art critic Donald Kuspit, and artists Vincent Desiderio, Leah Poller, Sherry Camhy, and Richard T. Scott.
Join a community of artists and art lovers, and help support our efforts to grow this boldly original figurative arts publication with an annual subscription. Monthly Subscriptions are available for $4.95, and Annual Subscriptions for $29.95.
How to Subscribe?
This is the really easy two-step process. Step 1: Create Username & Password and Step 2: Pay for Your Subscription. To get your FREE one month subscription, at Step 2 just enter the promo code 'FALLSPECIAL'.Subscribe to
Art and Culture,
Special Offer,
Solair Nudist Resort [Video]
Interviews with members describe what life is like at Solair. Solair is a member owned and operated, family oriented nudist resort, founded in 1935.
Naturist Club,
Nude Experiences,
Nudist Love Story [Film]
Nudist-streakers Scott Russell (Australia) and Emma Schroeder (United States) lived on opposing sides of the world. A fully dressed Susan Baker (Canada) saw the nudists' connection and set up . When they couldn't afford to relocate, she set up a trust fund so they can meet for the first time. On the day of the Australia vs. USA Tournament, they streaked their way on the Soccer Field of Love.
Nude Experiences,
Public Nudity,
Burger Byte: Nudist Camp [Video]
Here is a video from Huntsville, Alabama Television with a light-hearted news segment of naturism at naturist club in the USA.
Naturism Advice,
Nude Experiences,
Aquasize at Avalon [AANR]
Susan Weaver, AANR President, takes a break from her duties to attend an aquasize class at Avalon Resort, in Paw Paw, WV. Taking time to tone up in the buff, meet friends, and have fun. Join in the fun at an affiliated resort near you. Remember that an AANR membership is less than the cost of a bathing suit.
Ex-lover backs Naked Rambler Stephen Gough [Stephen Gough]
THE ex-girlfriend of Naked Rambler Stephen Gough last night branded him a HERO — despite his nude antics costing taxpayers a whopping half a MILLION quid.
The Scottish Sun revealed yesterday how the oddball naturist costs a fortune to keep behind bars because he refuses to wear clothes in public, in court or in prison.
But ex Melanie Roberts — who accompanied him on his second naked walk from Land's End to John O'Groats in 2005 — backed him to carry on living his life in the buff.
Hairdresser Melanie, 40, said: "I back Steve to the hilt — 100 per cent.
"To me he's a hero. He's not to blame — it's the authorities."...
TEXT: The Sun
Naked Rambler Steve Gough costing Scottish taxpayers £500,000 [Steve Gough]
According to the The Sun, 'Naked Rambler' Steve Gough is costing the Scottish taxpayers £500,000.
It costs around £35,000 a year to keep the average prisoner but Gough spends most of his time behind bars in segregation, which is more expensive.
The Sun claimed that Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, a British pressure group and taxpayers union formed in 2004 to campaign for a low tax society said that:
It's unbelievable that this ongoing case has been allowed to waste so much taxpayers' money. A sensible resolution has to be found, sending the naked rambler back to prison benefits no one.
Read the full story here.
TEXT: The Sun
Human Rights,
Public Nudity,
Stephen Gough
Chaque mois découvrez des séances de Qi Gong avec Béatrice - une vidéo Travel [Video]
Pour la nouvelle rubrique Bien-être de notre magazine NATMAG, nous vous proposons une séance de Qi Gong animée par Béatrice. Chaque mois, elle vous permettra de faire vos exercices chez vous, devant l’écran, afin de vous maintenir en forme en travaillant sur l'énergie de votre corps au fil des saisons. Septembre : Au programme ce mois-ci une séance consacrée à l'automne traditionnellement associée à l'élément métal et à la couleur blanche. Dans cette séance de Qi gong, Béatrice nous fait travailler sur les méridiens du poumon et du gros intestin. Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de Naturisme TV sur
For new section of our Wellness NatMag magazine, we offer a Qi Gong session led by Beatrice. Each month, it will allow you to practice at home, in front of the screen to keep fit by working on the energy of your body with the seasons.
September: On the agenda this month a session in the fall traditionally associated with the metal and white. In this session of Qi Gong, Beatrice makes us work on the meridians of the lungs and large intestine. Find all the videos on TV Naturism
Related Links: au domaine de l'églantier [Video]
Cette nouvelle rubrique de NatMag vous propose de redécouvrir les archives de Naturisme-TV . Nous revenons ce mois-ci sur la « Randonue » que l'on peut pratiquer au domaine de l'Eglantière dans les Hautes Pyrénées. Si vous êtes épris de liberté, vous risquez d’apprécier particulièrement cette activité, mais ne partez pas sans un minimum d'équipement : Chapeau, lunettes de soleil et surtout crème solaire.
This new section of NatMag you to rediscover the archives of Nature-TV. We return this month on "Randonue" that can be practiced in the field of Eglantière in the High Pyrenees. If you love freedom, you might enjoy this particular activity, but do not leave without a minimum of equipment: Hat, sunglasses and sun cream especially.
Related Links:
www.naturisme-tv.comIs INF Membership value for money for BN? [Naturist Action Group, UK]
Posted on September 19, 2011 by Reg of Naturist Action Group - Naturists campaigning for Naturism. Working to promote nude recreation in the UK for everyone.
The International Naturist Federation (INF) has come in for a lot of stick lately and I thought that I might try and tie the different threads together.
It all began last year, when the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) resigned its membership, stating that it considered the INF too Euro-centric and lacked vigour as a campaigning organisation. A recent Wall Street Journal article claimed that the US nude recreational industry was worth something in the order of $400 million annually, and this is in a country that is generally considered hostile to social nudity. Can the INF say how much it has contributed to that value by changing perceptions? Clearly, in AANR’s mind, they cannot and decided they can do without the INF. Despite this set back, however a check on the INF website today (23 Aug) shows that six resorts in the US still believe and remain as members, although I would have to question how long for? As for the charge that the INF is too ‘Euro-centric’, the website also revealed that of the 10 members of the central committee named, only one – Barbara Hadley (PR overseas) – resided outside of Europe, so perhaps there is some substance to it.
It is impossible to say if the AANR resignation influenced British Naturism’s Executive Council, but early in 2011, they announced a review of BN’s own membership of the INF. What British vice-president Mick Ayers thought of that decision is anyone’s guess, but as he had cut his ties to BN sometime ago, I doubt if he gave it a second thought. Then in August, Charlie Simonds had a letter published in Naturist Life that followed up, and expanded on an earlier article. He asked a simple question: What does BN and its members get for their money?
Again, the INF website reveals all, stating that it provides a ‘variety of services to naturists’, which include:
- A biennial world congress, staged in a different country on each occasion;
- International sports events, including swimming, petanque and volleyball; and,
- Youth meetings.
The question I am left asking is, what does comes out of these meetings that the INF organises; does it trickle down to the ordinary BN member and do they think it is relevant?
Skimming through recent issues of the British Naturism Magazine, I found very little concerning the activities of the INF, either as a promoter of the naturist lifestyle or as a campaigner. The INF does, however, publish its own newsletter, Federation Focus and in the December 2010 issue, readers are informed that ‘the concept of a certification system for clubs and resorts to sign-up to some basic standards of ethics’ had been agreed at congress. In another document, extensively quoted from by Mr Simonds, the INF says: “This will involve an invitation to holiday centres and clubs which welcome visitors to sign up to a commitment statement…. This system must, at present, be a self-certification system and we ask for the assistance of federations in recommending this to your members….” Mr Simonds asked, “How can INF membership possibly enhance anyone’s enjoyment of naturism, especially when visiting any of the many hundreds of commercial naturist facilities around the world?” Quite. How indeed? Especially as what the resorts and clubs are being asked to sign up to is a code of ethics and not a Quality Assurance scheme, similar to the one run by the Camping and Caravan Club for the various sites around the country.
The INF website does state that it, “works to enhance and improve the naturist experience and naturist business climate by promoting the benefits of naturism to the general public.” So we arrive at the other charge put against the INF by AANR; that it lacked vigour as a campaigning organisation.
A swift check of the publically available pages on the website for documentation that would disprove the accusation, reveals nothing and the tone of AANR’s resignation letter would suggest that there is nothing that would ‘enhance and improve the naturist experience and naturist business climate’ in those pages reserved for member federations either.
What everyone does know about is the INF Card (formerly Passport), usually reduced – in the UK anyway – to the INF logo on the membership card. It is a simple idea. Anyone showing a membership card with the logo at a resort will be sufficient confirmation that both belong to INF member organisations. In return, the holidaymaker will receive a discount on the price of their holiday accommodation or some other benefit. A simple idea, aimed at encouraging naturists to join their national INF member organisation. If your chosen organisation isn’t a member, well never mind. The resort can sell you an annual INF membership for €50 (about £44).
With plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that there are lots of naturist resorts willing to accept a booking without the INF card, however, BN members have made several attempts over the years to ditch the international organisation. And yet the ‘need’ for an INF card is rolled out every time as the main and only excuse for continuing with the membership. Looking at the INF website again, there is not a great deal of evidence there to show that the promised discounts and benefits are available. No resort is named so those that do, cannot be identified and visited, while others just choose to restate the mantra that an INF card is required to gain entry.
It has been alleged that the price of INF membership for British Naturism is £13,000 and it has been suggested that the EC could make better use of that money elsewhere. However, it has been put to me that the magazine receives advertising from other organisations that it would not normally get because of their INF membership, amounting to considerably more than the membership fee itself. Then again, any advertising income should be used against the magazine’s production costs, so whatever the amount over and above the membership fee is, it will still be lost to BN as past accounts have shown that the magazine does not make a profit.
Yet there is still this INF card. British Naturism’s review about its membership is due to report at this month’s AGM. However it turns out, I hope they decide to continue to do two things:
- To seek an answer to the question “Is INF membership the benefit to BN members it once was?” by finding out how many members have been asked to produce their BN/INF membership cards while abroad and was a discount/other benefit given.
- To work with other INF members to make sure the INF card system works as a benefit to membership, and to uphold the INF’s stated purpose of improving the business environment for naturist organisations and enhancing the naturist experience.
If (2) cannot be achieved then (1) will give them a firm understanding if INF membership is a benefit to its members after all and if not, enable them to swiftly resign.
An edited version of this is blog will appear in the October 2011 issue of H&E Naturist.
TEXT: Naturist Action Group
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Paula Abdul throws up after X-Factor nude performance [Showbiz]
[On the 'US' X-Factor] judge Paula Abdul leaves the set and throws up in the men’s restroom, after leaving the set during a contestant’s nude performance. The nudity approach did not impress the judges, as the contestant had hoped.
Wednesday on the premiere of X-Factor, wannabe singer Geo Godley gave an extremely odd performance, that will be remembered in the television show world for a long, long time. But not in a good way! Godley was dressed in a large shining silver jacket and silver baggy pants. He wore a T-shirt with a big rainbow heart and we don’t even remember his shoes. The clothes are somehow important, because at one point, he had trouble keeping them on. And it’s not that is was an accident. About a minute after starting singing, he dropped his pants and kept on jumping up and down the stage. The show horrified the two ladies in the jury – singers Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger. Nicole started screaming and Paula tried to cover her eyes with her ponytail. Simon Cowell was horrified and L.A. Reid was speechless.
At one point, poor Paula couldn’t take it anymore and walked straight out of the set. She stopped in the men’s restroom, probably without even thinking to find the ladies room. Seeing Abdul leave, Godley said: “Uh-oh I think I’m in trouble”, but continued his act. Backstage, Paula Abdul was given some water to freshen up. When she felt a little bit better, she said: “I just witnessed a nightmare…on stage!”
After the performance was over, the contestant put his pants on while de jury and the public were still in shock. Simon was the first one who gave a feedback to the contestant. He was honest and concise: “What the bloody hell was that?”
Needless to say it was his first and only performance.
TEXT: Daily Gossip
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez Takes Aim at Breast Implants in a Country Full of Beauty Queens
Hugo Chavez, the Venezuela president, has criticised the "monstrous" fashion for breast implants amongst Venezuelan women.
Related LInks
Hugo Chavez attacks 'monstrous' boom in breast implants - TelegraphVenezuela: Hugo Chavez Takes Aim at Breast Implants in a Country Full of Beauty Queens - ABC News
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
The naked truth: British stars bare all in fight against TV ageism [Showbiz]
Some of British TV's most familiar female faces have dared to bare to prove that no matter how old they are, they should not be subjected to ageism.
Loose Women Sherrie Hewson and Andrea McLean posed naked alongside Coronation Street's Beverley Callard and EastEnders actress Gillian Taylforth for Best magazine's Body Image issue.
The ladies spoke of the way that women, despite their talent, can be denied roles on camera simply because producers believe them to be too old...
TEXT: Mail Online
'I can't find it!' Missing pages on
I've received a lot of feedback back missing pages on This is due to us keeping changing things around - sorry.
Another reason is due to our page search facilities which is currently being powered by Google. So when visitors to use the search facilities on the top, which are located at the top and bottom of each page of the site. Visitors find the pages they want but the URLs of those pages at still pointing to the old locations on our server. But a lot of you have noticed this isn't the case and we are sorry.
We rely on Google being quick on crawling (scanning) and then updating their databases about the correct page locations of the site, but this does not always happen right away. I just wanted to say that I know about this issue and I'm working on it, but it may take a awhile, so please be patient with us. I will keep you informed on any updates to this issue.
Website Updates
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Karen
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation.
Nude Experiences,
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Christina
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation.
Nude Experiences,
Labiaplasty surgery increase blamed on pornography
By Rowenna Davis
The Observer, Sunday 27 February 2011
Doctors blame internet porn boom as more women seek 'designer vaginas' through genital surgery
Medical experts have sounded the alarm over soaring rates of labiaplasty, as the preliminary findings of a study show women are increasingly turning to private providers to pursue "designer vaginas".
NHS and private sector professionals have warned that some young women approaching cosmetic surgery companies are depressed or on medication, and are being sold operations without preliminary access to alternative psychological therapies.
Experts carrying out the research at King's College London also suggest that the so-called "pornification" of modern culture may be driving up surgery rates to unprecedented levels as both men and women have increased exposure to pornographic imagery via the internet. Recent studies have shown sharp rises in the numbers of young people accessing porn.
The King's study is attempting to find out more about the motivations of women who are increasingly seeking surgery. Professor Linda Cardozo, a gynaecologist, said that the preliminary findings show that while women go to the NHS seeking help with functional problems, such as discomfort during sex, those turning to private companies were often seeking purely cosmetic changes and were placing themselves at risk in a growing industry that is largely unregulated. Experts say the risks of labiaplasty include permanent scarring, infections, bleeding and irritation, as well as increased or decreased sensitivity if nerves get caught in the operation.
"The private sector is not recorded, audited or regulated," said Cardozo. "We have no way of knowing how many surgeries take place there. It's possible to go on a [surgery] course for $75,000 in the US, come back with your own laser equipment and set up. At least if you have it on the NHS you have to go through your GP and that's a gatekeeper."
Cardozo also expressed concerns that private providers could be acting irresponsibly by operating on vulnerable women in need of psychological care.
Cosmetic surgeon Angelica Kavouni is carrying out three labiaplasties a week, both for the NHS and for her private company, Cosmetic Solutions, where she charges £3,000 per operation. She said: "A lot who come to me for labiaplasty are depressed and some are on medication. That's a major issue, because you shouldn't have cosmetic surgery when you are like that. It definitely needs to be investigated."
The number of labiaplasty operations in Britain is booming. The surgery is primarily intended to make labia smaller or more symmetrical. Figures released to the Observer show that the Harley Medical Group, a leading cosmetic surgery provider across the UK, received more than 5,000 enquiries for cosmetic gynaecology in 2010, 65% of which were for labial reduction, the rest for tightening and reshaping.
Similar increases have also been experienced by the NHS. A study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2009 revealed that there had been an almost 70% increase in the number of women having labiaplasty on the NHS on the previous year. There were 1,118 operations in 2008, compared with 669 in 2007 and 404 in 2006.
A partner in the King's University research, Dr David Veale, a consultant psychiatrist in cognitive behaviour therapy, said he believed the surge in demand could be linked to easier access to explicit sexual imagery. "We haven't completed the research, but there is suspicion that this is related to much greater access to porn, so it is easier for women to compare themselves to actresses who may have had it done. This is to do with the increasing sexualisation of society – it's the last part of the body to be changed."
Dr Veale also expressed concerns that some women seeking surgery, the majority of whom seem to be under 30, were receiving labiaplasty on the mistaken impression that it might solve psychological problems such as body dysmorphic disorder, a condition that causes sufferers to obsess with a part of their body.
"Most people go straight to cosmetic surgery and say they've got a problem with 'down there' and never recognise that it might be a psychological problem… This study is about finding alternatives."
One 22-year-old, who did not wish to be named, underwent surgery in October. Although she suffered irritation from the size of her labia before the operation – sometimes when walking and often during sex – she admits her decision to have surgery was mostly psychological.
After having surgery on the NHS, she said it took more than two months for the pain to go away: "It was horrible. They didn't explain how much it was going to hurt. I couldn't walk for three days and I caught two infections. A lot of women who go for surgery don't know what kind of pain they are putting themselves through. I never want to go through it again, but I'm glad I did it. It really helped my confidence."
If you're seeking surgery or have undergone labiaplasty and would like to contribute to the King's research, visit
TEXT: The Observer
The size and shape of a woman’s labia minora, or inner lips, can vary enormously. Some are small and tucked in while others are longer and protrude from the outer lips. They are rarely symmetrical. All sorts of shapes exist and are normal.
- Female Anatomy Facts | Female Anatomy - Sexperience
Related Links:
Sexual healing: Should I have surgery on my large labia?A cut too far: the rise in cosmetic surgery on female genitalia
Are designer vaginas something we want to buy into?
Private parts - Female genitals - Sexperience
The Perfect Vagina
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
**BLAST FROM THE PAST** Tuning in for Naked News
Thursday, 26 April, 2001
A television current affairs programme featuring newsreaders who undress on camera has become a surprise success in Russia. Now a Canadian company hopes to do the same, as Katty Kay reports from Washington.
BBC News Online has a competitor. According to no lesser authority than Time magazine, the website Naked News "offers the best international coverage this side of the BBC".
Billed as the channel with nothing to hide, Naked News, is, as its name suggests, a news programme presented by naked news readers.
The channel covers politics, business, sport and entertainment - all naked.
For those of you who would like a little more spice with your daily news intake, Naked News might be for you.
And, it seems, for the six million other people who tune in every month. In the age of dot bomb, Naked News is defying the trend and going from strength to strength.
Viewer numbers have grown three-fold since the start of the year. This month, due to popular demand, the channel has added a man to its presenting team.
Lucas Tyler, 33, a former investment advisor for a Canadian bank, has just earned the curious distinction of becoming the world's first naked male news reader.
Naked News aspires to serious broadcasting.
"We never see it as a pornography site. Nudity is not sex," says company spokeswoman Kathy Pinckert.
Mixed signals
The channel garners its information from regular news wires and uses professionally trained writers and directors to produce the bulletins. None of the presenters however have any background in journalism.
So what is it like to watch nude news?
The daily programme begins in pretty familiar territory. Presenter Carmen Russo stands in the studio dressed in a black suit and begins to read an item on Taiwanese arms sales. It looks serious enough.
But after a few moments it all gets very confusing. Half way through the Japanese election result Ms Russo is taking off her jacket.
On to the shooting of the Peruvian missionary plane and it's off with her pink lacy bra. And by the time we have finished the Middle East peace talks, Ms Russo is completely naked.
Maybe my brain lacks horsepower but I simply cannot concentrate on the intricacies of world affairs while watching a strip show.
News content
"I think people are watching it for the news not the nakedness, after all you can get nakedness anywhere on the net," she says.
Ms Foster loves her job and accredits the channel's success to that classic combination of brains and beauty. The 31-year-old was working as a laser ophthalmic technician when she saw the advertisement recruiting for Naked News.
The closest she had come to broadcasting was a few acting classes . But she says she just loves the creative side of her new job.
Does the nudity faze her? Not as much as getting her slight lisp under control.
Now, with the introduction of a male presenter, Naked News hopes to attract more women to its audience.
At the moment 80% of the viewers are men. According to the company, they are tuning in primarily for the news. I guess they must be men with a better attention span than me.
Blast From The Past,
New Naturist Resort in Thailand - Chan Resort
According to Naturist Association Thailand on Google+, a new naturist resort has opened in Pattaya, Thailand:
Chan Resort is officially open. Thailand's first naturist resort. This is a newly constructed resort built just for naturists. It is also the premier naturist resort of Thailand Naturist Association. Oh yes, public nudity is illegal in Thailand, but this is a private resort open only to naturist and not the public at large. The full website will be up in the next few weeks. The Thai owners have experience running a naturist resort as they were the owners of the original Chan Resort which was sold and and renamed.
More news about venue this be posted as soon as we get it.
Chan Resort is officially open. Thailand's first naturist resort. This is a newly constructed resort built just for naturists. It is also the premier naturist resort of Thailand Naturist Association. Oh yes, public nudity is illegal in Thailand, but this is a private resort open only to naturist and not the public at large. The full website will be up in the next few weeks. The Thai owners have experience running a naturist resort as they were the owners of the original Chan Resort which was sold and and renamed.
More news about venue this be posted as soon as we get it.
Related Links:
Public Media Gallery - Chan Resort
Nude Beach Proposed As More Naked Swimmers Spotted In Xiamen, China [News]
A nude beach in Xiamen (a major city on the southeast (Taiwan Strait) coast of the People's Republic of China) was proposed as more swimmers choose not to wear clothes, reports Strait Herald.
Heated online debates were stirred by a naked surfer, in his 40s, who was seen near Huandao Road on August 19, 2011.
On the same day, a man was pictured swimming in the Xiada Reservoir without his clothes on.
2 female expats were filmed naked two weeks ago at the Baicheng Bathing Spot.
Mr. Huang, from Shanghai, said he flew to Xiamen last month to enjoy the naked and fearless feeling in the seawater. He wants the experience to be repeated in Xiamen every year.
Some Xiamen residents have even headed to Southeast Asia countries for a naked swim, where they will not have fear to be spotted by friends or colleagues.
A nude beach in Xiamen could be a kick for tourism, but Xiamen officials will not risk their political lives to take the lead in China, said Dai Xiaoli, an associate professor of Xiamen University.
Chinese culture is not supportive of this wild thing, and naked swimming lovers are a tiny portion of the whole society, which will have an obvious influence in the tourism development, said Xiada Prof. Huang Fucai.
A street survey among dozens of residents suggests 80% of them are disapproving of naked swimming in public waters, but most of them said they could accept the said behaviour on a nude beach.
TEXT/PHOTOS: What's On Xiamen
News In Pictures,
Public Nudity,
Today's Caption Competition
Please do take part! It's only for fun! Just leave your caption in the comments below.
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Doug
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation
Nude Experiences,
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Krystin
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation.
Nude Experiences,
Nude Beach Proposed As More Naked Swimmers Spotted In Xiamen, China [The News In Pictures]

A nude beach in Xiamen (a major city on the southeast (Taiwan Strait) coast of the People's Republic of China) was proposed as more swimmers choose not to wear clothes, reports Strait Herald.
Heated online debates were stirred by a naked surfer, in his 40s, who was seen near Huandao Road on August 19, 2011.
On the same day, a man was pictured swimming in the Xiada Reservoir without his clothes on.
2 female expats were filmed naked two weeks ago at the Baicheng Bathing Spot.
Mr. Huang, from Shanghai, said he flew to Xiamen last month to enjoy the naked and fearless feeling in the seawater. He wants the experience to be repeated in Xiamen every year.
Some Xiamen residents have even headed to Southeast Asia countries for a naked swim, where they will not have fear to be spotted by friends or colleagues.
A nude beach in Xiamen could be a kick for tourism, but Xiamen officials will not risk their political lives to take the lead in China, said Dai Xiaoli, an associate professor of Xiamen University.
Chinese culture is not supportive of this wild thing, and naked swimming lovers are a tiny portion of the whole society, which will have an obvious influence in the tourism development, said Xiada Prof. Huang Fucai… Read More.
News In Pictures,
Small Penis [Body Image / Film]
It's the story of Daniel, a man who all of his life has felt insecure because of his penis size. This changes when he joins a support group a little bit out of the ordinary.
The budget was about 4-500 dollars. Filmed in 5 days in Bergen, Norway. Shot on Sony XDcam, 1920x1080, 25p. Edited in Final Cut. In case you are wondering, the language they are speaking is Norwegian. Be sure to watch all the way to the end as we have a great set of bloopers:)
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
One Direction's Harry Finds Being Naked "Liberating" [Showbiz]
One Direction singer Harry Styles has revealed he enjoys being naked as he finds it "very liberating."
Speaking in a new book, Dare to Dream: Life As One Direction, The X Factor star admitted he "feels free" when he isn't wearing any clothes.
The 17-year old explained: "I have great memories of being in the [X Factor] house, especially all of the times I went naked. Stripping off is very liberating, I feel so free,"
"It's always a spur-of-the-moment thing, but no-one seemed to mind. I think Mary [Byrne] secretly liked it. I'd become a lot more confident during my time in the show through being in front of so many people, and my confidence came out in my nakedness."
Harry continued: "I also used to moon a bit at school because it made me laugh, so I was carrying it on. Sometimes I was totally starkers and sometimes I wore a thong."
"My friend Nick bought me a gold snake-print thong for my birthday and I took it into the house with me because I thought it'd be funny. Then I started wearing it."
Styles went on to recall: "One time I had to do a naked video clip for ITV2 where I was standing there with no clothes on and the boys had to pass various objects across me, keeping certain parts covered.
"That was the plan, but at one point Zayn [Malik] didn't move the book he was holding quickly enough and the cameraman got a bit of an eyeful. I think you could safely say I'm not shy."
One Direction look likely to score their first UK No.1 single this weekend, with debut track What Makes You Beautiful expected to sell over 100,000 copies.
View the full article online here.
Nude Beach Party Day 2011 [Event]
Coming on Saturday, October 8, 2011 - this is the one event you can come to without applying in advance. Just show up! Baker Beach - San Francisco - California. This is the 5th time we have held this event and it just keeps getting bigger! We are now committed to doing this body freedom festival yearly in early October. This nudist gathering includes games and contests with prizes. A local event called the Nude Beach Olympics is being amalgamated into this event. You'll have fun all day! -Nomad
Download a large version: Beach Party Poster. Print it and put it up somewhere!
For more details about this event, visit click here or for more information about PhotoNaturals visit their website here.
Naturism Through Autism
Naturism! The clothing free lifestyle is one of beauty, espousing a philosophy that everybody, regardless of age, nationality, disability or non-disability, short, tall, thin or fat is beautiful and is of self-worth.
As a young man diagnosed with high functioning autism, this lifestyle has blessed me immensely. But first I should tell a little bit about myself.
It’s no secret that those of us with autism, including high functioning autism, aka Aspergers, feel different than most of society, like we’re strangers from a different planet, like we don’t quite belong. This has certainly been the case with me...
TEXT: The Bare Times
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Nude Family With Mac Portrait [Photo]
I stumbled across this photo via the Cult of Mac website. According to them the photo is a cover for a Romanian magazine for a special issue dedicated to family portraits.
As Cult of Mac has started a caption contest for this photo, we decided to do the same. So keep it clean and make it funny in the comments below.
Naked People [Art]
With a simple and descriptive title, “Naked People,” German photographer Sebastian Kempa’s project consists of photographing all kinds of people in their clothes and out of them. Clothes help an individual define themselves. When you compare the two images, there is a change in your perception of the person you see.
Until now, there isn’t anything especially original about the project. What makes the “Naked People” project more complex than at first glance is Kempa’s use of a technological support—the project website.
When the website is linked, you see each person clothed, and a brief profile with their name, age, job, hobby, and country. Then you click on the picture, and the clothes fade away until the nude person appears.
The project seems to reflect a globalized and mediated world, and the change that has consequently occurred in the way people relate to each other. Social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook serve as matchmaking and “friendmaking” portals that allow people to meet who could never do so without these new technologies.
We are then a fixed identity, an image, a profile that defines only a small part of each person. The project confronts these virtual and abbreviated versions of a personality to the most intimate self—the naked body.
Clothing is our second skin. It disguises, reveals- it can reflect our innermost being or conceal it. Through one’s clothing, he or she is able to exhibit his or her profession, social status, or mood. A suit lets us assume the bearer is a banker, office worker, insurance agent… In our society this is a distinguishing characteristic of respectability. But, how often is such an assumption true? Can we absolutely trust this covering? What really is underneath? Could the illusion be destroyed at the discovery of a tattoo, or leave the person as inscrutable as before? Here we have the opportunity to see the differences in perception between a person dressed and undressed.
- Naked People website
The Naked People project ongoing and expanding outside of Europe into the USA, with a second project in Los Angeles. If you want to take part, get in contact with Sebastian via the Naked People website.Related Links PEOPLE
Top ten things to do in London Nude [Blast From The Past]
Back in 2009, 308 nudes take to the streets of london to celebrate the launch of the new Peugeot 308 CC. But what did they get up to?
Blast From The Past,
ESPN The Body Issue Making Of 2010 [Video]
As we wait to see this year's ESPN The Body Issue, here is a video that shown 'the make of' of last year issue.
Related Links:
ESPN The Magazine: The Body Issue 2010Bodies We Want I - PHOTOS - ESPN
Bodies We Want II - PHOTOS - - ESPN
A Part of Me - ESPN
Student Body - ESPN
Body blurbs - ESPN
Art and Culture,
Why am I a Naturist? - Interview with Scott
Brief interview from the Eastern Naturist Gathering on why I enjoy nude recreation, 2009.
Nude Experiences,
Amy Winehouse Immortalised With Topless Bronze Statue [Showbiz]
Singer Amy Winehouse has been honoured in many ways since her sudden death in July, and now a memorial bust by artist Daniel Edwards has been added to the list.
The controversial sculptor, who is behind Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez''s nude statue, has created a tattoo-less, topless bust of the late singer, titled ''Memorial Portrait for Amy Winehouse'', the Hollywood Reporter said.
The New York based-artist has also added a songbird and lilies into her hair.
"I thought of her as a beautifully delicate fairytale princess, waiting to be rescued from fame and addiction, but her prince never came. I had always expected to sculpt her portrait, but I was waiting for her to put some of her troubles behind her. She had made me pay attention to contemporary music again," said Edwards.
"The portrait of Amy is dedicated to those struggling with addiction and eating disorder. Nobody should have to go through what Amy went through," said Cory Allen, the artist''s representative.
Edwards has previously made headlines for his unusual works including ''Justin & Selena Forever'' and ''Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston'' featuring a pregnant Britney Spears.
Daniel Edwards‘ website says his “pieces address celebrity and popular culture in ways that have often stirred controversy” and it’s not lying, take for example his naked Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez statue, or his Angelina Jolie breastfeeding piece, or even his naked Paris Hilton with dog and his latest design will definitely continue the trend of getting people talking, having today unveiled his Bronze topless Amy Winehouse bust.
Official website of Amy Winehouse
Daniel Edwards - Wikipedia
Art and Culture,
News In Pictures,
Goddess of chestity 'Prude Rev covered topless statue with crude breastplate'
This [topfree] statue is part of a historic cover-up — after a prude churchman is believed to have hidden her assets under a lead "shield"...
TEXT: The Sun
Art and Culture,
Sorry about the 404s
If you follow via Twitter and have tried to visit a link that has been post by us, you may have noticed that it keeps taking you to our error page. if yes, this is due to an oversight by my me while I was updating the website.
But it should be fixed now, if not, please leave a comment below.
Website Updates
Amy Winehouse Immortalised With Topless Bronze Statue [The News In Pictures]

Singer Amy Winehouse has been honoured in many ways since her sudden death in July, and now a memorial bust by artist Daniel Edwards has been added to the list.
The controversial sculptor, who is behind Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez''s nude statue, has created a tattoo-less, topless bust of the late singer, titled ''Memorial Portrait for Amy Winehouse'', the Hollywood Reporter said.
The New York based-artist has also added a songbird and lilies into her hair.
"I thought of her as a beautifully delicate fairytale princess, waiting to be rescued from fame and addiction, but her prince never came. I had always expected to sculpt her portrait, but I was waiting for her to put some of her troubles behind her. She had made me pay attention to contemporary music again," said Edwards… Read More.
News In Pictures,
Nudist organization eagerly awaits naked Hope Solo
The American Association for Nude Recreation is celebrating its 80th birthday. praise ESPN the Magazine’s The Body issue, due to be released soon. Specifically, AANR is delighted that ESPN chooses to use all ages and body types in its annual naked issue. But the they also seem to have a fixation on Hope Solo...
Hope Amelia Solo (born July 30, 1981) is an American soccer goalkeeper who currently plays for the magicJack of Women's Professional Soccer. She is the current starting goalkeeper for the United States women's national soccer team (Wikipedia).
TEXT: NBC Sports | Off the Bench
Art and Culture,
Naked Tea Parties / Art Show [UK EVENT]
Please tell as many people about this great event that's happening this and next week!
Naked art exhibition to be held in Manchester
Artists, naturists and activists are collaborating on mass-nude body-positive art projects for an upcoming exhibition in Manchester on the 26th of September. The exhibition will explore themes of non-sexual nudity, feminism and body positivity.
Pieces of art will be collectively created on the 21st September, between 6pm and 10pm, at Islington Mill, Salford, where members of the public will be invited to strip off to whatever degree they feel comfortable and be drawn, painted and photographed by various artists in a variety of mass-nude poses including, “Body Landscape”, “Tea Party” and others.
The art pieces will then be exhibited at Kraak Gallery, Manchester, on the 26th September between 6pm-11pm, where performance artists and members of the public will stage a public “Naked Tea Party”, with live music and (naked) poetry performances from local artists.
Organiser Jess Bradley said “We are really excited about both the events; mass nudity is a fantastic tool to help normalise nudity and promote positive body image – especially in a society which idealises an unacheivable perception of beauty”.
Please Note
1. The events are being organised by the collective behind in order to highlight issues surrounding body-image in modern day consumer culture.
2. Both events will be filmed for a Channel 4 documentary on young naturists.
3. Media attendance is welcome and encouraged at both events, we have several people willing to be interviewed. We request that no filming or pictures are taken of individuals without their explicit prior consent.
4. Mass naked art creation – Islington Mill, Salford, 6-10pm 21st September. Directions and venue info:
5. Exhibition and public naked tea party – Kraak Gallery, Northern Quarter, Manchester, 6pm-10pm 26th September. Directions and venue info:
Contact: Jess Bradley for interviews and information 07773432780
Related Links:
Naked Vegan Cooking
Art and Culture,
Body Image,
Culture and Society,
Food and Drink,
Life and Style,
Monday, September 19, 2011
Naturism: These images contain nudity - Reuters at Bare Oaks [Video]
By Mark Blinch
When you’re a photographer, every day brings the unexpected.
Case in point: My assignment at the Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park.
Imagine a campground where people perform everyday tasks but without a stitch of clothing on.
Mowing the lawn, coffee with friends, dinnertime with family members, even board meetings with colleagues — at this camp, there were no exceptions to the no clothes rule...
TEXT: Reuters
Breasts are a moral ‘threat’: Court rules topless sunbathing violates 'public sensibilities
An artist crusading for the right to sunbathe topless in New Jersey beach town has lost her bid after an appeals panel ruled baring breasts violates 'the public's moral sensibilities.'
Phoenix Feeley, aka Jill Coccaro, won a settlement for going topless in New York City six years ago, but must keep covered in the Garden State.
The two-judge panel - one male and one female - ruled Wednesday against Ms Coccaro's challenge to Spring Lake's public nudity law…
TEXT: Mail Online
Hackers leak Scarlett Johansson's nude photos [Showbiz]
Actor Scarlett Johansson is a perennial favorite among men and frequently named one of the world's sexiest women.
In addition to her work in front of the cameras, Scarlett also seems to enjoy private shooting sessions.
Her phone was hacked, and naked pictures she took of herself ended up all over the Internet.
Her lawyers are trying to get Web sites to take down the pictures, but the damage has been done.
The FBI is trying to track down the hacker ring that can now count ScarJo among its growing list of superstar victims.
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