25 February 2011 Now Confirmed
Bedford Naturist Swim host a genuine naturist swim and sauna leisure evenings, 4 times a year at the Bedford Oasis Beach Pool for members of British Naturism (BN) and members of other bona-fide naturist clubs and swims along with their guests. All are welcome but we ask for a valid BN or Club Membership card to be shown at the door for at least one person in your group.
All visitors should be aware that this is a naturist event and swimwear is not required, nor acceptable during these periods. We make exceptions to this for ladies when necessary and bikini bottoms are allowed at such times.
This event is an all ticket event with payment in advance so that we know the numbers attending. We offer discounts on multiple purchases. The prices are as follows:
1 Ticket = £15
2 Tickets = £10 Each
3 Or more tickets = £9 Each
Children under the age of 16 = £1 Each
You may pay either by Credit Card online or make a PayPal transfer.
Please arrive before 8 pm and provide your proof of payment and a naturist/BN club card for your group.
A full list of the facilities available at the pool is available at www.oasispool.bedford.gov.uk/pool.htm However please note that we will not have access to the outdoor pool. The cafeteria will be open throughout the swim and is situated at the side of the pool. There is also the use of the Sauna/Steam Rooms.
For more information and to book a place, please visit their website:
Bedford Naturist Swim at Oasis - Main Website
Tickets & Dates | Bedford Naturist Swim
Terms and Conditions
BedfordNaturistSwim (bedfordnaturist) on Twitter