This article was taken from The Huffington Post:
How often do women think positive thoughts about their bellies -- or thighs or cheeks or breasts or arms? Not very often.
But Emily McCombs at XOJane is doing her part to change that with her "Real Girl Belly Project." McCombs recently put out a call for women to send un-photoshopped pictures of their bellies to post on the site. Even better, those submitting were asked to include a few words about what they like or appreciate about that area of their bodies.
The result is a collection of 75 photos of 75 different women's bellies and, in many cases, their stories. The variety underscores how crazy it is that all models are required to have the same flat, blank abs -- no stories there -- and that anyone suggests the rest of us should, too.
Visit XOJane to see all 75 amazing midriffs.
SOUCRE: The Huffington Post
The xoJane Real Girl Belly Project -- 75 Strong, Beautiful Non-PhotoShopped Bellies
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