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Thursday, February 23, 2012

How To Accept Your Body [How-To]

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Having confidence is important. And accepting your body is one step closer to achieving self confidence. However, it can be really hard to accept your body and have confidence, what with all the skinny models and airhead, rich celebrities the media is forcing on us. But that doesn't make accepting your body any less important. For some help on accepting your body, read on.

  • Don't compare yourself to others. Not just celebrities and famous people-stop thinking about how the girl next door to you has gorgeous legs and gets way more compliments than you. What's the point? Every single person is different, even identical twins, so what's the point of comparing each other? It's like saying that one light bulb is better quality than another one, when they're both different brands. Both light bulbs have good and bad points, and both are totally different.
  • Love Yourself. Be proud of your body and who you are. Don't let little things, like the shape of your hips or your weight, hold you back from being happy. It's just not worth it. The moon reflects in both pure water and a can of beer. That means that whatever you look like, the real you is what you should be caring about. Who cares if you're gorgeous if you can't be nice? And what's the point of having a beautiful face if you don't bother paying your debts? It will take time, but learn to love yourself.
  • Notice all of the positive and beautiful things about you! Every single one. You could have the most gracefully shaped neck, the most athletic looking legs, or the silkiest and shiniest hair. Don't forget your personality, too-that's even more important. Maybe you are the best listener and everyone comes to you for advice. Or maybe you can make people laugh, no matter how low they feel. Even the tiniest thing contributes to who you are-you wouldn't be you without it.

  • Ignore the media and fashion magazines. They're cool for fashion and beauty tips, and it's always fun to keep up with the latest gossip, but keep it that way. Don't get obsessed with buying the latest clothes or being a clone of some model. Most importantly, the majority of the photos there are photoshopped.
  • Learn to be thick skinned and not to care what people think of you-unless it's something nice, of course! Don't brush off compliments with "Yeah right!"-accept them and smile.
  • Find out what you need to improve.If it's your weight,consider a temporary diet.

  • Never jeopardise your health to look a certain way! It's not worth going through the hell of an eating disorder to be thin, and plastic surgery isn't going to solve your problems.
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