Naturism is built on respect - for fellow naturists, for non- naturists, and for the environment. Naturists have a few simple rules of etiquette; read them, and remember that the respect is mutual:
1 Naturists are not, generally, masochists, so if it is too cold to be naked naturists wear clothes. Conversely, if it is warm enough to be naked, many/most naturists will want to be so, whether indoors or out - though there are many people who enjoy swimming and sun-bathing naked but prefer to be clothed at other times or for other activities. It's a matter of personal choice.
2 The practice at most naturist locations for total nudity to be the norm throughout the day and wherever possible. Sometimes for some naturist locations, it is expected that naturists are clothed in the evenings/night in the public areas, restaurants, bars or club houses. On the other hand, it is expected that no bathing costumes are worn in the pools if there is one.
3 The normal naturist etiquette is ALWAYS to have a towel to sit on, not necessarily to cover up with. This is for reasons of hygiene and, frankly, consideration of friends' or the naturist location's chairs and seats - protecting others from suntan oils, sweat etc.
4 Do not go out of established nude areas. To wander nude into a clothed beach or parking area will offend many.
5 The normal naturist etiquette is not to indulge in any overtly sexual behaviour in a public place - no different from textile etiquette. In the unlikely event of becoming sexually aroused, a naturist would be expected to turn away or cover up to avoid embarrassing anyone, including himself.
6 Photography is only permissible in a naturist resort if the explicit permission of people appearing in the photographs and who could be recognisable is obtained by the photographer - most naturists, like everyone else, like to preserve their privacy and to decide for themselves whether and where any photographs of them or their families appear.
7 Speak up for standards. If a person seems unaware of proper naturist etiquette, explain politely and plainly.
8 There is no need to worry that you may unwittingly break the rules - observing what others do, or asking their advice, will put you on the right tracks - and remember, naturist communities are generally very friendly and, unless you behave outrageously, you will quickly be accepted into the community. Just relax!
9 When you arrive at a naturist location, you should make yourself comfortable. Start removing all your clothing at once, but make sure you're comfortable and that you appear comfortable. Then relax and enjoy the experience - don't be tense and edgy.
10 Last but not least "Be Yourself", your first visit is a special one and maybe your first step and we want you to remember it! Once you are comfortably nude and enjoying yourself, it's easy to be friendly and approachable. Do not just sit off in a corner by yourself - walk around, chat, get to know people. If people do not want to talk to you, you will know, but a lot of naturists are very friendly and enjoy meeting new people. Go for it!