Have a Happy and Nude Halloween from iNAKED!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Earth Friend Jen [Photo Gallery]
Jennifer (Jen) Moss a.k.a. "Gennifer (Gen) Moss", "Earth Friend Gen", "Ojai's 'Pastie Lady'" and "Ashland's Naked Lady" (born May 29, 1975) is a peace, sustainable living, social nudity and topfreedom activist living in Ojai, California who is best known for inline skating and cycling naked. She has also used her attention to promote the work of Masaru Emoto…
Photo Gallery,
UrbanNdismo [Photo Gallery]
UrbanNdismo is a traveling photographic project created, produced and directed by Paula Brindisi (Avril X). It shows the reactions generated by the sight of people naked people in everyday road, with an attitude "normal" like everyone else. The images were created for more than 25 photographers and cameramen with the participation of more than 25 urbanudistas from around the world (Italy, Spain, Africa, Denmark, France, Argentina, USA, Venezuela and Uruguay) After 4 years of intervention, now no longer being made…
Art and Culture,
Photo Gallery,
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Pamela Green [Photo Gallery]
Pamela Green was a postwar Britain's best-known pin-up girl and the first woman to appear naked in a British feature film.
She was reckoned the most beautiful nude model of her day. In the 1950s there was scarcely a barrack-room locker, mess deck or grimy garage workshop unadorned by one of the thousands of cheesecake pictures of her, topless and often stark naked, her hourglass figure inspiring the accolade "Queen of Curves"…
Photo Gallery,
Pepsi Raw [Photo Gallery] [Editorial]
According to Wikipedia, Pepsi Raw was a cola soft drink created by PepsiCo and Britvic exclusively introduced in the United Kingdom in 2008 as a "Sparkling Cola Drink with Natural Plant Extracts". Pepsi Raw contained naturally sourced ingredients that are free from artificial flavouring, colourings, preservatives and sweeteners. Advertising for Pepsi Raw presented the product as a natural alternative to other colas. Pepsi Raw is also being marketed in Norway and Australia.
In the United States and Mexico a similar product is being marketed under the name Pepsi Natural.
In September 2010, it was announced that Pepsi Raw was to be withdrawn from the UK market.
To help promote Pepsi Raw, a marketing campaign which included the use of nude models drinking the cola in billboard posters was commissioned, with the tagline "Go Raw as natured intended". These ads, which were called “Pepsi Raw: In the Raw,” plays off the concept that bring naked is natural and so are the ingredients in Pepsi Raw.
The print ad campaign was created by advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, UK.
Focusing on these ads, iNAKED considers these posters to have a positive message use could be better used to promote body acceptance and naturism. Maybe one day someone might just do that...
Photo Gallery,
George Mason's Love Your Body Week, 2010 [Video]
Author and speaker Jessica Costeines shares her life and her learning with students at George Mason University. Her struggle with body image and dieting issues has brought her a unique perspective to share with young women and men.
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
Young British Naturists by Laura Pannack [Photo Gallery]
Laura Pannack talks about her work photographing the YBN. Pictured above is André of iNAKED at Spielplatz Naturist Club, UK.
Young British Naturists (YBN) are a group of naturists between the ages of 16 and 30 living in the UK. About a year ago, when I came across YBN, I was fascinated with understanding the reason why these young people wanted to belong to a group exposing such human vulnerability. I wanted to know why they felt the need to be naked or be part of a group where this was not only acceptable but also encouraged.
Nudity is often associated with sex. However, I discovered that within naturism this could not be further from the truth. The human body becomes almost irrelevant; something with which they have become unaware of because nudity is part of their daily life.
Some members are outspoken about their naturist activities; for others it is a private act which they keep from friends, colleagues and family members. Some members have grown up within a naturist family; others have joined to improve their self-confidence and make new friends. The one uniting interest is that all members feel more comfortable naked then they do clothed.
Displaying ourselves naked, the same way we enter the world, prevents us from hiding behind any identity we choose to convey through clothing. It can bring an exciting sense of vulnerability and it is a test of bravery; a liberating and daring act. However, this vulnerability can also provide an opportunity to be accepted and form new relationships without judgment. As one YBN member explains, “I was drawn in by the great equalising aspect of naturism. It is an interesting question how far people would retain their respective rank if they were divested of their clothes. When all other things are held equal, when nude, a rich person appears no different than a poor person, or a really fashionable person appears no different to someone who has to make do with the clothing they have. Thus, these classifications disappear and the playing field is levelled. In the naturist environment, I feel like I’m their equal – I’m not better than them, nor are they better than me, we are just human. By removing clothing I feel a barrier between people is gone and I’m more able to meet and to talk to others without the feeling that I or they have something to hide.”
In order to fully understand my subjects and to gain their trust and respect, I felt it was essential for me to join them and be naked. By placing myself in a vulnerable situation, the connection with my subjects was one of mutual understanding and equality. I soon realised that naturism is more than being naked, it is a philosophy of life with physical, psychological, environmental, social and moral beliefs. Some would classify naturism as a religion.
laura pannack photography
Exposed | Art and design | The Guardian
The secret world of young British naturists | Art and design | The Guardian
laura pannack's blog
Naked exposure - British Journal of Photography
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nude Blacks V Romanian Vampires [News In Pictures]
A naked rugby player of the Romanian Vampires performs the Haka during their match against the Nude Blacks, on September 24, 2011, at Larnach castle in Dunedin, during the New Zealand 2011 Rugby World Cup.
News In Pictures,
Hutnik Krakow 2012 Calendar

Football mad beauties have laid on a cups thriller for male fans - by stripping off for a sexy calender. The girls - all big supporters of Hutnik Krakow in Poland - volunteered to show off their form for free to help raise cash for the cash-strapped club. “We hope it will give the male fans a real thrill and raise some cash for us so we can improve the facilities at the club,” said spokesman Daniel Urbaniec. “The girls are all genuine fans and 100 per cent beautiful with their kit on of off,” he added. All images © http://www.nh2010.pl
News In Pictures,
Kona Underpants Run 2011 [The News In Pictures]

Newlyweds Kris and Rebecca Carpenter of Atlanta, join fellow participants in the 14th Annual Kona Underpants Run down Ali’i Drive, Thursday, oct. 6, 2011 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Originally created to mock athletes who wore tight, form-fitting swimwear around town, the run has grown into a popular mile jaunt by athletes, visitors, locals, kids and dogs as a charity fundraising event held two days before the Ironman World Championship on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011.
News In Pictures,
World Naked Bike Ride 2011 [The News In Pictures]

A naked cyclist takes part in the “World Naked Bike Ride” on Sao Paulo’s Paulista Avenue March 12, 2011. The event aims to defend the rights of cyclists to ride on the streets in safety, according to organisers.
News In Pictures,
The Ideology Of Vincent Bethell [Video]
Ideology for the destruction of an inhuman, bullying, conformist civilisation to be replaced by a civilisation that celebrates individuality, enlightenment, happiness and naked skin freedom.
Read more about Vincent Bethell.
Nudity in Ancient to Modern Cultures by Aileen Goodson [History]
Many of us may be unaware that nudity is a normal condition that has prevailed throughout most of mankind's existence. Anything from complete nakedness to casual body covering was a lifestyle component from prehistoric times through the Greco-Roman civilizations and into part of the Middle Ages.
Even today, in various remote areas of the warmer climes, naked societies persist as primitive tribes whose members do not wear clothes. These societies point up, among other things, how drastically our attitudes toward nudity and social organization have changed throughout human history. Unfortunately, modern civilization's puritanical laws of decency have labeled unclothed tropical-zone cultures as offensive and inferior. Missionaries, settlers, and tradespeople have effectively forced compliance with western dress codes wherever primitive cultures are found. Due to such diligence, we are now able to travel worldwide to exotic islands, join African safaris, and explore South American jungles without having to confront the "embarrassment" of viewing tribal nakedness…
Read More @ Primitivism
Another Good Reason For You And Family To Become Naturist: Rickets On The Rise In Britain's Children [NEWS]
According to Sky News (UK), rickets on the rise in Britain's children:
Professor Clarke said: "I saw an infant a month ago who was referred to me because of delayed walking. The child was 15 months old and could not stand physically." He acknowledges the balance parents have to strike, but lifestyle changes concern him greatly. "It's very difficult for parents because they're encouraged to apply sunscreen because of the dermatological consequences of not. "But it would seem that that excess is too much for bone health and vitamin D. They're shutting out the sunshine which is causing problems with bones.
"Similarly children and adolescents don't go out as much; there aren't as much school sports and when they do go out they tend to cover up."
The NHS states that rickets is a rare disease that affects bone development in children. It causes the softening and weakening of bones, which can lead to deformities, such as bowed legs and curvature of the spine.
The most common cause of rickets is a lack of vitamin D or calcium in the diet. These minerals are essential for a child to form strong healthy bones. Less commonly, children can be born with genetic forms of rickets or develop rickets if underlying conditions affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals (see Causes).
BUT there is GOOD NEWS! One of the major benefits of naturism is the constant exposure of the sun on one's skin, as New Zealand Naturist Federation explains:
"Naturism has many health benefits, despite the negative publicity on the risk of skin cancer from too much sun exposure. It is a known fact that sun BURN leads to skin cancer but not sun EXPOSURE.
The holistic approach of the naturist philosophy goes much further than just lying about in the sun and getting an all over suntan. In a survey of New Zealand naturists, less than 20% said that their favourite activity at their club was sunbathing. The office worker who spends two weeks of his summer holidays at the beach would be at far greater risk of sun BURN than the hardened naturist. The area of skin covered by a bathing suit doesn't really make much difference when out in the sun - the same precautions have to be taken naked or in togs. That said, sun protection is ALWAYS advisable when out in the sun, especially between 10am-2pm in the summer months.
There is a lot of literature on the benefits of the sun on the body, due to the production of vitamin D in response to sun exposure. With people ‘covering up’ outdoors, there are more and more cases of rickets in the population, which is directly due to lack of vitamin D. The recommended ‘dose’ of sunlight on the total body, required to maintain adequate vitamin D levels, is considered by many specialists to be half the time it takes to burn per day. Not only does it feel good, but the sun has been documented to be beneficial in the prevention of a large number of diseases, from rickets to some forms of cancer (including melanoma), arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease."
The NHS has put a page together to fully explain what rickets is, its treatment and prevention. However, iNAKED does recommend considering naturism as part of the prevention of rickets. Click here to out more about naturism and how it could benefit you and your family.
Rickets - NHS Choices
The Benefits of Naturism | iNAKED
Rickets: New Study Shows Marked Increase In Bone Disease From Victorian Times Thanks To Lack Of Sun | UK News | Sky News
Kellogg's adds vitamin D to cereal to fight rickets - Telegraph
Rickets rise battle to be led by breakfast cereals 'adding sunshine' | Metro.co.uk
Datch Spot 2010 (60") [Video]
Apparel Music: Barrytone track per Datch Advertising. Barrytone - Skin Deep (Apparel Music, from Jahzz ep, date release 12-10-2010)
Datch brand dell’azienda veneta Rubra srl, torna in tv con un nuovo spot per la stagione AW 2010. Lo spot è ambientato in un mondo in cui la censura è divenuta una moda, e questa moda porta all’omologazione, un mondo nel quale la normalità è “vestirsi di nudità e di censura”. Con qualche concessione al pudore, ecco allora che vigili, passanti, impiegati, avventori di un bar, tutti per la città, completamente nudi e “vestiti” solo delle bandine nere.
In questo mondo, due ragazzi interpreti del lifestyle Datch, scappano dalla monotonia dell’omologazione, attraversano la città e si rifugiano in un luogo buio dove di si appartano per trasgredire, rompere gli schemi, cambiare le abitudini. I due irrompono in strada, indossando un total look Datch che ne sottolinea la giovane e sfrontata sicurezza.
La regia dello spot Datch è firmata dal talento di Federico Brugia per la produzione di The Family, l’agenzia è Zanon&Partners, la direzione creativa è di Vincent Spaccapeli e Riccardo Zanini, per il cliente Daniele Marin ha seguito l’intero progetto.
Datch brand of Venetian Rubra srl, returns with a new TV spot for the season AW 2010. The spot is set in a world where censorship has become a fashion, and this approval brings fashion, a world in which normality is “dress of nudity and censorship.” With some concessions to modesty, here is then that brigade, passing, employees, patrons of a bar, all for the city, completely naked and “clothing” only black Bandini.
In this world, two young performers Datch lifestyle, escape from the monotony of the approval, through the city and take refuge in a dark place where to be secluded to transgress, break the rules, change the habits. The two burst into the street, wearing Datch a total look that shows off the young and brash safety.
The direction of the spot Datch is signed by Federico Brugia talent for the production of The Family, the agency is Zanon & Partners, is the creative direction of Vincent and Richard Spaccapeli Zanini, Daniel Marin for the customer has followed the entire project.
Miss Representation [Film Trailer]
When the documentary Miss Representation premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, audiences were riveted and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network acquired its broadcast rights.
The film explores how the media’s misrepresentation of women has led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence.
Body Image,
Body Image: A Documentary
This is a documentary film project for English 3084 Multimedia Composition. The documentary discusses different issues with body image and offers a healthy approach to having a positive self image.
British Naturists Interviewed for Breakfast TV (Part 1 and 2 - Better Quality)
Andrew Welch of British Naturism, has kindly sent us a better quality copy of the interviews of the British naturists who were on UK breakfast TV show Daybreak. Broadcasted 27 Oct 2011. Andrew also highlighted that there where actually two parts to the interview, which he kindly provided the second video to us.
Part 1
Part 2
Thanks Andrew!
Part 1
Part 2
Thanks Andrew!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
British Naturists Interviewed for Breakfast TV
British naturists interviewed for UK breakfast TV show Daybreak. Broadcasted 27 Oct 2011.
Get your kit off! - Tribe - BBC [Video]
Bruce must get naked if he is to prove he means no harm to his new tribe. Fascinating insight to world culture from BBC's Tribe.
Being Nude: Nothing Unnatural About It
By Mohita Nagpal, IANS,
New Delhi : Kedar Ramanathan brightens up at the prospect of finding himself alone at home. He slips out of his clothes, brews himself some coffee and turns on the music. He roams around the house naked, taking pleasure in just being in his own skin.
While many would view his activities as kinky and bordering on sexual perversion, Pune-based Ramanathan doesn't actually have sex on his mind.
Far from it, being in the buff is his way of feeling free, shedding both physical and emotional baggage and being close to nature. He is a naturist, or in other words a nudist.
Naturism is a way of life that advocates practising nudism - both in private and public - without indulging in any sexual activities.
A fairly popular concept in the US, Britain, Canada and Thailand, a regular nudist meet abroad has both men and women engaging in any activity - from cooking to cycling to sunbathing - with only one precondition, everyone should be naked.
However, timid first-timers can be allowed to turn up fully-clothed to get used to the nudity around them. No one stares, no one gets erotic ideas. The whole idea is to have a friendly get-together -- sans clothes.
"It's like a family atmosphere. It's a feeling of community. No one is conscious of his or her nudity," explains Mammon Shaktimangalam, 66, who has attended many naturist events abroad...
Read the whole story @ TwoCircles.net
New Delhi : Kedar Ramanathan brightens up at the prospect of finding himself alone at home. He slips out of his clothes, brews himself some coffee and turns on the music. He roams around the house naked, taking pleasure in just being in his own skin.
While many would view his activities as kinky and bordering on sexual perversion, Pune-based Ramanathan doesn't actually have sex on his mind.
Far from it, being in the buff is his way of feeling free, shedding both physical and emotional baggage and being close to nature. He is a naturist, or in other words a nudist.
Naturism is a way of life that advocates practising nudism - both in private and public - without indulging in any sexual activities.
A fairly popular concept in the US, Britain, Canada and Thailand, a regular nudist meet abroad has both men and women engaging in any activity - from cooking to cycling to sunbathing - with only one precondition, everyone should be naked.
However, timid first-timers can be allowed to turn up fully-clothed to get used to the nudity around them. No one stares, no one gets erotic ideas. The whole idea is to have a friendly get-together -- sans clothes.
"It's like a family atmosphere. It's a feeling of community. No one is conscious of his or her nudity," explains Mammon Shaktimangalam, 66, who has attended many naturist events abroad...
Read the whole story @ TwoCircles.net
'Shame' Gets NC-17 Rating From MPAA: Michael Fassbender, Steve McQueen Film Restricted [Showbiz]
If you're excited to see director Steve McQueen's upcoming drama "Shame," you may be out of luck.
The critically acclaimed film, which stars Michael Fassbender as a spiraling sex addict and Carey Mulligan as his troubled sister visiting him in New York, has officially been given an NC-17 rating by the MPAA. Filled with full frontal nudity, it wasn't much of a surprise that the film earned the rating, which limits the number of theaters in which it can be exhibited, as the nation's largest chain theaters do not show films that are limited to those 17 years of age and older...
Read the whole story: The Huffington Post
Culture and Society,
How Good Is Your Body Image? [Quiz]
The Body Shop once famously ran an advertising campaign which said that there were only seven people in the world that actually looked like supermodels. And that the average size for women in this country was 14. We know this, yet we all, both men and women alike, strive to look younger and more attractive. The source of these unrealistic feelings is obvious: the TV and the media have for so long bombarded us with images of good looking, perfectly honed, young people, that, now, we all feel a pressure to fit in to look the same.
What is clear is that none of us are able to live up to these expectations. The result of this is that many of us end up with a distorted body perception, ie we do not see ourselves how others see us. For some, this can lead to eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating - conditions which are dramatically increasing in society and which require serious attention.
To see what your body image is like, take our test compiled by Deanne Jade, Principal of The National Centre of Eating Disorders.
Start Quiz
TEXT: NetDoctor.co.uk
Ellen on Body Image, and Beauty [Body Image]
Ellen DeGeneres tells Katie Couric there's a "double-standard" with women and body image. Ellen also thinks America puts the wrong emphasis on the definition of beauty and health.
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Nothing Makes You Feel Better! [Body Image & Naturism]
Roni Fine, a member of British Naturism, talks to naturists about body image
Going to a wedding, an interview, a party or a first date? These occasions usually involve worrying about what to wear! We want to create a good first impression. Image! It's an important thing and not just with clothes but with our whole bodies. The fashion industry has indoctrinated us with what the right look is and which size and shape we must be.
Most of this is an impossible ambition and many people suffer from eating disorders and depression along the way. This can be a problem for all of us at some point in our lives unless we are wise enough to be at peace with ourselves - accepting of, and comfortable with, what we are. You know what I'm going to say: that last bit refers to naturists!
How important is the visual image and how much relies on our attitude, body language and what we actually say? Can we still make friends and influence people when we have no clothes to hide behind? I think we make more effort with eye contact and communication. We use our natural instincts, many of which have been forgotten over the years.
It also seems that people who are reticent to uncover in public find the naturist community the one place they are able to do so, knowing they will not be laughed at or have cruel remarks voiced out loud. It is very sad that they should suffer people's bad manners on top of what might have already been traumatic times in their lives.
One of a couple who joined Blackthorns had had a leg amputated after a motor-bike accident and the couple told us how they had been to beaches and heard hurtful comments. They had put an end to this by joining a naturist club, where they knew they would be accepted by all. Indeed, on their very first visit to Blackthorns he felt so comfortable that he was able to remove his artificial leg and use our pool.
Ray and Marnie told me how they met up with an old friend at an event. Ray recalled, "We went over to say hello, having not seen her for a year. Later the same day I happened to stop and talk to her again – it was not until I saw her for the second time that I noticed that she'd had a mastectomy!" That says it all! They spoke to the person - not her body, not her breasts!
And just as losing a breast must be traumatic for a woman, so must losing a testicle for a man. Andrew had testicular cancer 20 years ago, at the age of 26. "I have found that being a naturist has helped me not to worry about body image and actually be proud of my body, even though I now have only one testicle," he says. Andrew has noticed how naturists are all so tolerant: "Whether or not you have an operation or disfigurement, you are treated with respect from understanding fellow-naturists. That has helped me through, and I now feel confident about my body."
Teenagers tell me they are more confident about themselves as a direct result of being brought up with the awareness and acceptance of people's bodies.
Leah is 18 and is pleased to have been raised this way. "As a naturist I take people for who they are, and not what they look like," she says. "When unclothed, no one is rich or poor, no one has good or bad fashion sense - people become equal." It is nice to think these youngsters stand a good chance of avoiding the worries of extreme dieting and body image issues.
I've chatted with women who admit they were worried about being seen undressed and feeling fat, but are glad they gave it a go and found they could brave the looks of others without being stared at, and they became relaxed with nudity and comfortable with themselves.
Someone who went through these worries is Andy, who admits it was her size that stopped her practising naturism when she really wanted to, until she saw sense, went to Studland Beach and took her clothes off! Andy admitted, "After many years of trying and largely failing to lose weight, I became resigned to the fact that I was never going to be sylph-like and decided to concentrate on being as fit as I could for my size." She was conscious of what others thought of her, but decided, "If they don't like it that's their problem – the sun and sea are there for us all and if they don't like the look of me they can just look away." But this didn't happen. "In fact, I found people far friendlier than on a textile beach, probably because the initial barriers had been broken down. We had something in common, so making conversation was easy." Taking that initial step has led to her feeling more confident, as she explains: " It might have even helped in my being successful in recent job interviews – the self-confidence I have gained in the last few years – not necessarily talking about naturism!" Her one regret? Waiting until she was over 40 before doing it! But she says, "I have given up being obsessed about losing weight. I try to eat sensibly, exercise and try to have a positive outlook on life." Sounds like good advice to me!
It isn't just women who have this concern about being overweight. Graham found he put on weight and developed rosacea, primarily as a result of a stressful time in his life. "It sapped my confidence," he explained, "I just didn't take care of myself any more and dressed so as not to be noticed, so I looked a mess!" It was when he visited a naturist club that he found people accepted him for himself, as he explains: "Being naked was the only time I didn't feel awkward about how I looked. Whenever I was dressed, my clothes felt wrong and I felt awful. When undressed, people talked to my face and I didn't feel they were noticing my bad skin, but my eyes, and for the first time I felt I was seen as a person. It was only when I had gained this renewed confidence that I was able to take control of my life, and with the help of a Channel Five programme, Diet Doctors, I have lost three stone and feel so much better for it. But I did that for myself, because I know I need to be healthy as well as happy!"
Naturism has many benefits, but if it can help us accept ourselves for what we are and not what we think we should be, then it is doing a grand job! If we are steered away from obsessive dieting and gain the confidence to take on a healthy lifestyle, then it is a bonus. Naturism seems to promote a more sociable environment and we all benefit from the friendship and support of others.
So if you are thinking you would like to go naked in the company of like- minded people, but daren't because you think people won't want to see your body, please throw off those doubts and give it a go, because we really don't care what you look like! The only thing we would like to see you wearing is a smile! Come and join us!
Antidote to the Myth of the Perfect Body [Body Image]
Mass media has popularized a notion of the "perfect body" to sell "cures" for manufactured flaws that result in body image disorders for many women.
Fueled primarily by mass media, popular culture promotes the myth of the “perfect” body, an idealized standard of body size and appearance impossible for 95 percent of the population to attain. The motive is purely commercial, a campaign to market products and services that promise to correct, minimize or disguise the inevitable differences between real people and the air-brushed, glossy images of perfection that grace advertising media and the pages of popular magazines...
Read More
TEXT: Naturist Social Culture and Lifestyle
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Harriet Harman Speaks Out Against Page 3 Girls [News]
The Huffington Post - UK:
Harriet Harman has spoken out against Page 3 girls, telling Sky News on Sunday that tabloid pictures of topless females are not "the right thing for women in the 21st century".
While Labour's deputy leader said she did not want to "ban" Page 3 in newspapers, she said it demeaned women...
Read the whole story here.
Art and Culture,
Politics and Campaigning,
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
British Figurative Art @ Eleanor Ettinger Gallery [TheGreatNude.tv]
Recently, TheGreatNude visited the Eleanor Ettinger Gallery on 57th Street to see their exhibition British Figurative Art, a wonderful collection of British artists, several of whom focus on works featuring the nude. We were fortunate enough to have gallery owner Fran Bradford give us a personally guided tour.

Art and Culture,
ESPN The Magazine's 2011 "Body Issue [Art, Sports & Nudity]

ESPN The Magazine's 2011 "Body Issue," in which several athletes strip down and pose nude or semi-nude, came out a few weeks ago. ESPN announced that for this year's issue that women's soccer star Hope Solo, Rams running back Steven Jackson and NBA phenom Blake Griffin would be among the athletes to pose. Solo, Griffin, snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler, Mets shortstop Jose Reyes and star goalkeeper Tim Howard were chosen to grace the covers of the 2011 issue. Below is a number of interviews with the athletes who took part with this year's issue:
Goalkeeper, U.S. national team and WPS magicJack
MLB Shortstop
Olympic and X Games snowboarder
Gymnast, Team USA
NBA Forward
LPGA rookie
NFL Running Back
Chicago Sky center, WNBA
Ranked No. 3 on the women's tennis tour
Related Links
ESPN the Magazine -- The Body Issue - ESPN
Art and Culture,
Body Image,
Governor's Island Sketch Sessions [TheGreatNude.tv]
During The Governor's Island Art Fair, TheGreatNude presented several Sketch Sessions in our own exhibition space. Our Life Drawing workshops were open to the viewing public, and visitors were often surprised when they turned the corner to discover nude models posing for artists.

Art and Culture,
Beauty, Actually [Documentary]
This is a documentary, created by Gabby Bess, Emily Grimes, Quinn Novak, and Julia Robins, examining the media's influence on beauty and body image. We filmed and interviewed students on our campus and asked them how they perceived beauty and body image. I hope this helps you see that beauty actually is all around.
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
Rachel and the Nude Blacks
The Nude Blacks, a side made up of amateur Rugby players from New Zealand, do, as their name suggests, play with no clothes on. "Our first game was in 2002 in the middle of a dunes on a beach. We were frozen. It started as a joke as part of a backpackers' festival," Ralph Davies, founder of the Nude Blacks. The videos above show when the Nude Blacks had a female player named Rachel.
Body Image,
Nude Experiences,
Public Nudity,
Healthy Body Image [Film]
This film talks about the many different ways people, due to their poor body image, may harm themselves so that can achieve that 'perfect body'.
Body Image,
Health and Wellbeing,
Angst - Bare Breasted Walk for Women's Rights [Video]
Performance contained 161 km long walk from South Estonia, Tartu town where I live to Karepa village in North Estonia by the sea. When weather allowed, I was bare breasted. The walk took 5 days. I arrived on 12th of Aug and presented my final act on Performance Evening “Angst” on 13th of Aug at Karepa, R. Sagrits’ house-museum.
I monitored people’s reaction on my way. Since bare breasted women are rare, I wanted to know how people react if they see one in public space. Everybody were calm until we spent longer time in a small town Väike-Maarja, where the TV news filmed me in front of the Municipality Government building. Governor saw me from his window and called police. I spent two hours in police station, explaining why I was walking bare breasted. Since there is no law against bare breasted men or women in public space, police is still pondering upon my case, thinking how to punish me.
Read more: fideelia.future.ee/artwork/performance/angst.html
Art and Culture,
Public Nudity,
Couple Get Married Naked [Video]
Kelly Clinton and Lee Wiggets walked down the isle naked after winning a competition on a Birmingham radio station.
The Naked Wedding | BRMB
Couple get married naked - YouTube
Public Nudity,
Common Misconceptions of Naturism by David Hopkins
David Hopkins of Listverse talks about the Common Misconceptions of Naturism:
Many people have found naturism a great resource for freedom and relaxation. However, naturism is also one of the most misunderstood lifestyles among the general population. Lets take some time to explore naturism and break through the misconceptions many have formulated over time about this exotic lifestyle.
Sexual Acts
Misconception: naturist resorts and events are places of sexual activity
This is the most untrue misconception about naturism. In fact, any place where true naturism is practiced, sexual activity, exhibitionism, swinging and voyeurism are strictly prohibited, and such conduct results in the offending participant being expelled from the grounds immediately, never to be allowed to re-enter. Sexual activity is not allowed any more in a naturist resort or event than any typical public setting, and the other members are even encouraged to report such conduct, if they see it, to the organiser or owner of the facility.
Misconception: naturism is sexually stimulating
Many people, when they try naturism, find themselves surprised at the lack of sexual arousal they experience. Many men are even afraid of trying the lifestyle for fear of being visibly aroused. However, naturist facilities usually make it quite clear to men that this hardly ever happens, and to roll over or take a dip in the pool in the small chance that it does. At naturist resorts and events, participants find so many other activities to do and sights to see that arousal is the last thought to come to mind. Many naturists even forget that they, and the other people, are nude. People in a naturist setting actually find that they are less likely to be aroused there than at a beach or pool where people wear bathing suits, for bathing suits actually draw attention to the body parts they are supposed to hide.
Misconception: naturists have attractive bodies
Again, a misconception. naturists have all kinds of bodies; any kind, size or shape of body you see in day to day life. People who practice naturism come in all sorts of sizes, all sorts of ages and come from every imaginable walk of life. Many people worry about trying naturism because they are worried they are too fat, have a scar or just don’t look like a supermodel. Anyone is allowed in, and no one ever makes fun of anyone or comments about anyone’s body. naturism is not a beauty contest.
Adults Only
Misconception: naturism is for adults only
naturism welcomes children and actually encourages families with young children to bring their kids. Children are the most enthusiastic naturists because they have not yet learned to feel shame about their own or others’ bodies, or to equate nudity with sex. Most venues even have play areas and activities set up for children. However, children are only allowed to enter if they are accompanied by their parents or legal guardians, and their parents, organisers and the other naturists are always on the lookout for anyone who would take advantage of children.
An example of naturism looking out for the welfare of children is with British Naturism's statements on Child Protection:
Statement from our President Pat Thompson about child protection
BN statement and code of practice on child protection
BN child protection policy
Misconception: naturists remain unclothed all the time
This misconception is the only one with some truth to it. naturists remain unclothed any time when practical, but tend to dress when the weather becomes too cool or rainy, or if they are operating a barbecue or stove. naturist children who are not toilet trained are required to wear swim shorts or a diaper in the pool. Likewise, in the winter, naturist resorts generally close and the resort owner arranges for events in an indoor setting, such as a swimming pool, gymnasium or sports facility. Nonetheless, anyone visiting a naturist venue is strongly encouraged to disrobe immediately, or soon after arriving, as a deterrent against voyeurs.
Misconception: naturists are perverts, weirdos and other sorts of sexually deviant people
Not true at all. In general, naturists are open, understanding and extremely friendly. The fact is, you probably don’t remember it, but there were days when you could scamper around the house in your birthday suit. The members that are older than young children are simply older or adult versions of those people. They tend to be understanding, open-minded and willing to listen to others’ thoughts, views and opinions. They are friendly and open to newcomers, and are typically repulsed at even the thought of pornography or sexual immorality.
Misconception: naturists are asexual people
Some people think that by treating nudity as not so much a sexual thing, naturists deny human sexuality altogether. In fact, naturists do marry and reproduce, just like nature intended. They just don’t include their sexual activities in their lifestyle, as it wouldn’t be conducive to an innocent, family atmosphere, and would perpetuate the common misconception that all nudity is sexual. naturists are sexual beings just like you and I, but they conduct their activities in private, in their bedrooms, between married partners only.
Misconception: naturists have no sense of privacy
Although naturists feel comfortable in the nude, they tend to be particularly shy of cameras and have aspects of their life they do not need the world to know. Just because someone is nude, one should not take that as a signal to treat their life like an open diary or take pictures as they please. In most naturist settings, photography is restricted or even prohibited and taking pictures of children (even innocent ones) is strictly forbidden, in order to deter voyeurs and molesters. Likewise, when a person becomes a naturist, the club keeps their information private, just like a person’s information is held confidential in any typical public place.
Misconception: naturism is illegal
Some people think that naturist venues are a branch of some kind of black market, that they keep their lifestyles secret and unknown to law enforcement for fear of being arrested and prosecuted. While I cannot speak for every jurisdiction and area of land on the planet, in most places, laws do not strictly target naturism. In most countries, it is simply illegal to be nude in a public place, and law enforcement generally treats naturist venues as being exempt from that law as everyone who visits agrees to be nude, and the venue is kept out of public view. Many naturists advertise and communicate their lifestyle through the media, and law enforcement treats their lifestyle as a legitimate cause. Some naturists are even police officers, judges or lawyers themselves. However, there are a few jurisdictions where this misconception is a reality. naturism is officially illegal in the state of Arkansas and in the countries of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Sometimes, the police even make frivolous arrests, such as a crack down on a nude beach, or arresting typical parents who take innocent nude photos of their young children, but in these cases, the court usually sees reason and dismisses the charges as unlawful and unsubstantiated.
Recent Innovation
Misconception: naturism is new and alien in the history of humankind
Humans began naked, both historically and biblically. Many believe that humans originally began to wear clothes as a means to keep warm. Then, over many millennia, clothes evolved to denote status and class. Clothes slowly evolved to the point where a body without clothes was taboo. However, if you visit the ancient cathedrals in England, you will see many innocent statues of undressed humans and many great artists, such as Renoir, Donatello and Michelangelo depicted nude subjects. naturist clubs and resorts are relatively new in North America, a movement about a century old, but the swimsuit is also a new invention, prior to which people swam and used saunas in the nude. When the swimsuit was created about a century ago, it covered most of the body but has been gradually covering less of the body with time. If you put on your swimsuit today and went back in time a hundred years to a beach, you would probably get arrested, but go back two hundred years and people will wonder why you’re dressed at all.
TEXT: http://listverse.com/2011/02/23/top-10-misconceptions-about-nudism/
Naturism Advice
Friday, October 21, 2011
Timothy Bloom - 'Til The End Of Time ft. V [Music Video]
Timothy Bloom - 'Til The End Of Time ft. V
Timothy Bloom | Official Site
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Normalising Nudity
Exposing her books to the scrutiny of strangers is a harder task for Kay Hannam than exposing her body.
But the owner of Wai-natur Valley Naturist Park hopes that by baring her business she'll encourage others to bare their skin.
"The more recognition we can gain the better. So some of those one-in-four people who are comfortable about nudity might be more willing to get out there."
The Wairau Valley naturist park is one of eight business entered in the Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards, which reward innovation, among other categories.
"We feel we are quite innovative," said Ms Hannam. "We provide a place where people can relax in the nude and obtain a great deal of respect for themselves and each other. It's very empowering for people."
Read the whole story: Stuff.co.nz
Confession: The Top 10 Reasons I Love Being Naked by Alyssa Perez
Alyssa Perez, Intern of Em & Lo talks about her love of being naked:
1. No Constraints: Do a lunge! Kick your legs! Spin in a circle while swinging your arms! Feel that? Yeah, just air. No clothes rustling, no bra pinching, no underwear bunching, just air.
2. Transparency: I can see absolutely everything on my body, and you know what? That roll that I thought I had peeking out of the top of my jeans while I was bent over in a weird yoga position while trying to reach my pencil that rolled under the bed and between the wall/headboard/dresser… well, its not there at all! Yeah, I look pretty damn good without any waistbands pinching me!
3. BOOBIES!: Yes, although I have owned a pair for over a decade now, I am still amazed by how these babies jiggle, and wiggle, and squish, and feel. Look at them in all their glory! No wonder men love these. I love these!
4. New Sensations: Wandering around naked makes you appreciate the same old things in new ways. You thought that throw you just bought for the futon was soft? Well let me tell you… throw that baby around your bare shoulders while naked – now THAT is soft.
5. Learn to be Adventurous Like Never Before: Remember when you wanted to be just like Ariel one day? Well the first time I went skinny dipping, I was a mermaid – and a damn sexy one too! Who knew that a bikini stood between me and pure adrenaline-pumping freedom? No wonder that saucy little Ariel wasn’t afraid of sharks, went treasure-hunting, and risked everything for true love without a second thought – being naked in water makes you feel invincible, powerful, and beautiful!
6. Yes, Jiggling Is a Good Thing: I mentioned how fantastic jiggling boobs are, well, jiggling in general can be awesome. Just jump around next time you’re naked and see how wonderful it is to feel your body moving without restraints. Your hair bouncing around, your boobs flopping, your ass shaking, even your awesome thighs rippling as they support your leaps!
7. Check Out Those Muscles: When you’re naked you can actually see the strength of your body. Turn around and look at your claves as you go up on your tippy toes – WHOA!! Look how strong you are! Check out your butt while you’re up there! Damn Girl – its tight! Who knew you were so strong?! I’m not talking about rippling muscles that only trainers, athletes, and body builders have – I’m talking about how strong your body has to be just to get you out of bed in the morning or down the stairs. Shoot, my boyfriend has ridiculously strong toes that never cease to amaze me (seriously, when the remote for the TV is just too far for my arm to reach, Kevin’s toe powers are truly life-saving). Everyone has their own secret-body strength.
8. Slathering Yourself with Love (AKA: Body Lotion): There’s just something sacred about my relationship with my body lotion. Buddhists have their controlled breathing to help them meditate, Whirling Dervishes have their well… whirling. I have that moment in the morning or after a shower where I slather on my body lotion. As I rub my coconut oil on my naked body I just think about the strength I have in me, in this body, and prepare myself for the day ahead. It’s a moment to slow myself down and remember who I am and what I’m capable of, and it happens when I’m butt naked!
9. Discovery: One of the coolest things about being naked is that you discover new things on your body that you never knew were there! When I was little I sat on a pile of sharpened pencils and the other day I re-discovered a lead mark that has been on my butt cheek since that fateful day. Around the corner from this lead scar is my newly-discovered favorite mole and north of that mole is a freckle by my collarbone that is the mirror-image to a freckle my boyfriend has on his collarbone. This body-map is constantly changing and surprising me in wonderful ways! Sometimes, though, a body-landmark can be the forebearer of dire news – which is why taking the time to really look at your glorious, naked form is not only fun but also just-plain-healthy. When you take the time to really look at yourself and learn your body you’ll be more likely to notice an irregular mole that could be pre-cancerous or other physical signs of a budding ailment. Who knew playing your own doctor could be so sexy though?!
10. Self-Possession: When I’m naked I truly understand what being self-possessed really means to me. This body, my body, is that – its mine! Its something that only I know all the curves to, all the weak spots, all the kick-ass, strong spots – mine, all mine. Even if someone accidentally sees me naked or tries to cop a feel – they’ll never know me the way I know me. I can share this knowledge with someone I love, but without me to guide them, there’s no way anyone else will get to see and feel what I get to see and feel every day.
TEXT: Em & Lo
Did You Know That In Korean History
Photographs and postcards of the late Joseon period often depict Korean women working or walking with bared breasts. Apparently, for many revisionists, this is a cause of shame and these pictures have been denounced as staged photographs ― designed to denigrate Korea. They claim that no Korean noblewoman would ever be seen in such an undressed state ― especially by foreigners. They are right, to a degree. Noblewomen were secluded from the gaze of men and to be caught outside with their face bare ― let alone with breasts bared ― would have been unbearably humiliating, but these were not noblewomen ― they were women of the lower classes.
Read the whole story: The Korea Times
Can Barefoot Activity Alleviate Knee Pain and Arthritis?
Do shoes contribute to knee pain, joint deterioration and arthritis? According to new research published by Drs. Andy Oliver Radzimski and Gisela Sole at the prestigious University of Otago, and Dr. Annegret Mundermann at the University of Constance, Germany, in most cases the answer appears to be a resounding yes.
For many barefoot runners and walkers who have avoided or alleviated their painful knees by shunning supportive shoes, arch supports, and orthotics (custom made arch supports), this research is nothing new. The barefoot community has known for years that barefoot activity is good for our knees, but now science is catching up.
Dr. Radzimski and his co-researchers reviewed the scientific literature on the effect of footwear and arch supports/orthotics on the knee. They looked at the external knee adduction moment (EKAM) when we are wearing shoes and when we are barefoot. EKAM represents knee load distribution from the inside to the outside of the knee joint. The higher the EKAM is, the greater and faster the progressions of deterioration (osteoarthritis) of the knee joint. In simple terms, a high EKAM is bad for our knee, while a low EKAM is good for the knee.
These researchers stunning findings came about after looking at a grand total of 348 scientific articles and including 33 studies in their research. In plain English: these highly educated and respected scientists evaluated all current knowledge and scientific information on the effect of footwear on the knee joint of healthy people and those with knee disorders with regard to EKAM. This impressive analysis of the literature is important because the ardent lovers of supportive shoes believe that our feet need to be encased in footwear will have a difficult time refuting the voluminous amount of scientific research analyzed.
Remarkably, these researchers found that sneakers and running shoes increased EKAM when compared to barefoot walking and barefoot running. Specifically, the knee has a greater load on the inside of the joint when wearing shoes as compared to going barefoot. In fact, the authors of this astounding research say that shoes that provide “stability” (or support) create increased load on the knee joint (again when compared to simply going barefoot).
Radzimski and his co-writers conclude by suggesting that people with knee arthritis on the inside of their knee joint should consider walking barefoot when possible. I recommend this too. Not only will your knees thank you, but your whole body will too.
This new, groundbreaking research is not proof that barefoot is better than wearing shoes, but if you will excuse the pun, it is yet one more step (in fact, a big step) in that direction. I do not expect this amazing research will convince the tiny percentage of supportive-shoe-loving zealots out there to take a step without their feet firmly encased in their thickly-padded shoes, but for the vast majority of people with an open mind, I urge them to give this research a read. More importantly, give barefoot activity a try!
Note: if you do decide to make the leap to barefoot walking or running, begin slowly, read up on the techniques of giving up your supportive footwear or shoes, and if you have any medical problems, proceed only under the care of your physician.
TEXT: America's Podiatrist
Beauty and Body Image in the Media
Images of female bodies are everywhere. Women—and their body parts—sell everything from food to cars. Popular film and television actresses are becoming younger, taller and thinner. Some have even been known to faint on the set from lack of food. Women’s magazines are full of articles urging that if they can just lose those last twenty pounds, they’ll have it all—the perfect marriage, loving children, great sex, and a rewarding career.
Why are standards of beauty being imposed on women, the majority of whom are naturally larger and more mature than any of the models? The roots, some analysts say, are economic. By presenting an ideal difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. And it’s no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. If not all women need to lose weight, for sure they’re all aging, says the Quebec Action Network for Women’s Health in its 2001 report Changements sociaux en faveur de la diversité des images corporelles. And, according to the industry, age is a disaster that needs to be dealt with.
The stakes are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet aids. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth anywhere between 40 to 100 billion (U.S.) a year selling temporary weight loss (90 to 95% of dieters regain the lost weight).1 On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.
Read the whole story: Media Awareness Network
Why are standards of beauty being imposed on women, the majority of whom are naturally larger and more mature than any of the models? The roots, some analysts say, are economic. By presenting an ideal difficult to achieve and maintain, the cosmetic and diet product industries are assured of growth and profits. And it’s no accident that youth is increasingly promoted, along with thinness, as an essential criterion of beauty. If not all women need to lose weight, for sure they’re all aging, says the Quebec Action Network for Women’s Health in its 2001 report Changements sociaux en faveur de la diversité des images corporelles. And, according to the industry, age is a disaster that needs to be dealt with.
The stakes are huge. On the one hand, women who are insecure about their bodies are more likely to buy beauty products, new clothes, and diet aids. It is estimated that the diet industry alone is worth anywhere between 40 to 100 billion (U.S.) a year selling temporary weight loss (90 to 95% of dieters regain the lost weight).1 On the other hand, research indicates that exposure to images of thin, young, air-brushed female bodies is linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.
Read the whole story: Media Awareness Network
A Nude Model's Story of Humility and Joy

I was going to be an important and well-paid writer, see. The modelling thing, that was just to tide me over till the whole writing gig took off, because I knew that you could basically walk in off the street and get work taking your clothes off for artists. But in the end, I found I liked it so much that I never gave it up. I found that there are many advantages to modelling for artists, though none of them is what you'd expect.
When you model, especially naked (or nude, like that makes any difference), people think it's because you have this huge ego. The reality would deflate any such pretensions. I think it was the very first class I ever worked with, during a longer standing pose (the bane of all art models,) the instructor was walking amongst the students as they drew, helping out and critiquing, admonishing one student on his inclusion of irrelevant detail. "You don't have to draw every dimple on her butt, man!" he barked out behind me.
Read the whole story: Huffington Post Canada
87 Bombs Found On Nudist Beach In England
The Royal Navy of England found a shocking 87 bombs on a nudist beach in Kent.
Last month, experts were called in after 26 bombs including two submarine depth charges were washed ashore on Leysdown Beach, The Telegraph reported.
Another two day sweep of the beach, carried out last week on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, revealed an additional 61 bombs, taking the total to 87.
Some of the explosives dated back to the late 19th century and included mortars, submarine depth charges, a string of 10lb bombs, bullets and other ammunition.
The east side of the beach - often called Shellness - is an official nudist beach. According to Naturist UK fact file the beach is regularly used by 20-30 naturists, with up to 100 at busy weekends.
The Navy reportedly carried out controlled explosions last week.
TEXT: www.daily.bhaskar.com
Last month, experts were called in after 26 bombs including two submarine depth charges were washed ashore on Leysdown Beach, The Telegraph reported.
Another two day sweep of the beach, carried out last week on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, revealed an additional 61 bombs, taking the total to 87.
Some of the explosives dated back to the late 19th century and included mortars, submarine depth charges, a string of 10lb bombs, bullets and other ammunition.
The east side of the beach - often called Shellness - is an official nudist beach. According to Naturist UK fact file the beach is regularly used by 20-30 naturists, with up to 100 at busy weekends.
The Navy reportedly carried out controlled explosions last week.
TEXT: www.daily.bhaskar.com
'LIKE IT HOT' photographed by TONY DURAN
According to Wikipedia, Tony Duran is an American photographer. He is known for his photographs of celebrities and his work with male models. Duran is one of the most widely published photographers of celebrities. He has photographed a "virtual who's who of the Hollywood and fashion set."[2] Widely revered in the fashion industry, Duran has been called both "genius" and "brilliant," and his work has been said to express "unrivaled artistic vision"
Duran is known for photographing nude and semi-nude models. This has led to lists such as Trend Hunter's "12 most scandalous Tony Duran photos." He also uses strange imagery and props in his work. This has led to some mocking reviews. His work with Beyonce was reviewed by The Daily Mirror as looking like something out of Star Trek.[9] Additionally, Duran is known for using his history as a student of art in his photography. His lack of formal training as a photographer - and his formal training as an artist - allow him to "capture a sensual side not often revealed in his subjects."
The above video is for fashion magazine Treats! Magazine.

You can find the rest of this photoshoot on the Treats! Magazine website here.
Art and Culture,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Alton Towers - DEFINITELY going ahead, and booking still open
18-20 November 2011
Regular visitors to the British Naturism website will know there has been uncertainty about this year's winter extravaganza, with question marks over whether the event would go ahead, and if it did, whether clothes would be required on Sunday morning
We're delighted to confirm that the event will go ahead as usual, with nudity permitted from 6pm Friday to midday Sunday!
Originally, bookings had to be made by September 16, but we're also pleased to confirm that booking will remain open now until the date of the event, or when the hotel is full, whichever comes first!
All the details
Splash Landings Hotel provides superb, up-market accommodation for guests at top UK tourist attraction Alton Towers Resort in Staffordshire. The theme park will be closed for annual maintenance, and Alton Towers have therefore offered the hotel for this one weekend for the sixth time now to members of British Naturism. It’s become one of the biggest and most fun weekends in the naturist calendar!
We will have the entire place to ourselves and nudity will be permitted throughout from 6 p.m. on Friday to midday Sunday. The hotel incorporates the Cariba Creek Waterpark, a restaurant, bar, coffee outlet, shop and games arcade.
As usual, we’ll be putting on activities and entertainment - we can already confirm the return of last year’s favourites, Trident (www.tridentband.webs.com). See past magazines, the website (full reports for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010) and the 2010 programme), as well as the BN Members’ Community for reports and more on previous years’ events to get an idea of what goes on. We plan to have a mixture of exercise and dance classes, workshops and presentations, including guest speakers, music and dancing, exhibitions, tours of Alton Towers’ gardens, quizzes, kids activities, and games for everyone. There’s also plenty of opportunity to chill out in the company of like-minded people.
Can I use the Spa at Alton Towers?
Yes. It’s in the other hotel so you need to dress to get there and it’s not a naturist environment. You’ll also get 15% discount on all treatments and products purchased. Last year we trialled a clothes-optional session in the Aqua Relaxation rooms of the Spa and are delighted to announce that two sessions have been offered by Alton Towers this year – one on Saturday and one on Sunday. It is advisable to book in advance, as space is limited. There is a charge of £10 per person. The Spa contact number is 0871 702 7043.
Can I bring my friends?
Yes. However, this is a weekend exclusively for BN members (and members of recognised overseas naturist federations) and so they must join us first. There are always people joining to be able to go and making Alton Towers their first BN event, in fact, sometimes their first naturist event – it’s a great way to start – please spread the word. Don’t forget that you can take advantage of the Recruitment Drive and earn £10 for yourself for every person you introduce.
How much does it cost?
The majority of rooms are “family” rooms designed for two adults and two children. It is possible for four adults to share a room, but rooms are made up of a double bed and bunk-beds - please bear in mind when booking.
The cost is £285 per room for the weekend (two nights) based on two people sharing or single occupancy. Extra adults (12 years of age and over) can stay in a room for an additional £55 each for the weekend, a child (4–11 years) for £45 each for the weekend. Children up to three years old go free. Prices include bed, breakfast, VAT, entry to the Waterpark and all BN activities. All guests must book for the whole weekend: one night stays or day visits are not possible at this event – sorry!
A dedicated phone line for this weekend has been set up, so please phone 0871 222 9934 to make your reservation. Make it clear you are booking for the BN weekend. You will be asked for your BN (or other) membership number before the booking is confirmed.
How can I find someone to share a room with and cut the cost?
Easy. You need to register for the single person sharing service. It’s been a very popular initiative, making the weekend inexpensive and a great way to meet new people! Please call BN head office on 01604-620361 and ask to be added to the list. You will be asked for your credit card details and BN membership number. We will put people on the list together and deal direct with Alton Towers to make the bookings.
For more information on the Alton Towers hotel complex, visit www.altontowers.com.
British Naturism,
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