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Sunday, October 7, 2001

Ok, changed the topic. It's now "worst nightmare" and that can be an actual nightmare you've had or something that could happen (already happened) to you in real life that would (already has) crush(ed) your world.

I can't pick one so I am just going to say a few things. One would be you going bye-bye. :*( DON'T LEAVE ME BRENT! Heh! Mindy's way attached now, isn't she? I think another "nightmare" would be growing up as a bum. I want to know what's going to happen to my life. I'm not one of those happy motherfuckers who likes to be given whatever's thrown at them. I don't like the thrill of not knowing. I want shit to be planned, even though I know it can't be that way all the time.

As far as a nightmare/dream goes, I remember dreaming about all my friends and family getting slaughtered right before my eyes. It was pretty awful. It's one of those nightmares you wake up from and you're shaky and crying and hysterical. I also had a dream that Brent got killed in a car accident when I was sitting right next to him. :( It was so beyond sad, you guys. I remember looking over at him talking, and he smiled, and then all of a sudden I see this truck coming straight towards him on the drivers side and it hit him and he like.... broke in two. ::shakes:: Not cool!! :*( Sad now.