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Tuesday, October 2, 2001

Please forgive me, Oh Mistress of the Blog! now.. back on subject.... girls have it WAY easier! you think cramps are bad? try going for months (years in some cases) not knowing if you're going to sound like Barry White or Steve Erkell!! talk about emBARassing! that and the fact that guys have to puff themselves up and try to be all buff to get "females" to notice them (unless your lucky) and all girls have to do to have a guy "interested" in them is.. well.. show up! wow.. was that sexist. but hey.. thats the way the cookie crook crumbles! err.. something like that. girls can just hang and be real and share emotions and junk and guys have to hide all trace of emotion. criing in public?.. big no no. deep conversation about feelings?... few and far between. showing an interest in interior design?!.. whoa.. you better move to canada. see? no fair at all.. girls have it WAY easier. pregnancy? shoot. you might complain cuz its SO painful. but to have the amazing ability to bring life into the world. to pass on part of your body (and someone else's, obviously) into something that will live and grow and learn and love and call you "papa" or "mama". i imagine the feeling of being a father and having the person you love and care for more than anything in the world bring a little part of you into the world would be so unbelieveable.. that to be able to actually be the one who BRINGS that little person into the world would be simply miraculous.
the cramps thing i could live without though.