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Thursday, October 25, 2001

Well, fuck it. I will blog. I can't think of a friggin' costume for the Halloween party. Suck! Errrr.

Maybe the perfect costume will fall into my hands between now and Saturday. Prolly not, though.

So, there is this guy online. He bugs me to no end. Like, seriously, you cannot even BELIEVE this guy. All he does is talk about the fucking GIRLS he likes...and how they don't want him or anything. JESUS. Boo hoo mother FUCKING hoo...cry me a RIVER why dontcha?! It's like this little self-pity party that he fucking throws for himself. He won't fucking get off the god damn computer long enough to interact with girls, so how does he except them to just up and like him?! My lord. And another thing...I can't remember what it was. I'll get back to you on that one.